7 vs 7 Trial by Fire Start time is 12pm PST Jan 12th. Please be signed into TS3 and ready for team set up 1 hour before start.
1 ref per side. (We need Judges! Please contact me for details if you are interested)
- special rules for refs will be explained.
Prizes TBA
Please DO NOT SPAM this thread. Questions? Please PM me.
1. Single round ellimination. Until the top 6 teams are determined. After that it will be double elimination.
2. All Mechs must be a Trial, there are no drop weight limitations
3. If there is enough people signed up there will be two tiers. One for corps and one for singles. Teams will be assigned in that case.
4. Refs will report team wins. and ensure that everyone is using Trial Mechs[/color]
5. Teamspeak 3
Please install Teamspeak 3 and connect to this server (NA). This will be important so that refs can assist in tournament set up.
Comstar Relay North America (Comstar NA) Available Slots: 512 Man TS3 server Address: na1.mech-connect.net Password: WordofBlake
Sign ups:
Please replay to this thread with an interested. If you are interested in signing up a team please say that as well.
Please DO NOT SPAM this thread. Questions? Please PM me.
Edited by Konrad, 01 February 2013 - 11:02 AM.