I had some spare lumber, a small budget, and a dream. I also have some power tools and a wife willing to put up with my nonsense.
Foreward: I grew up loving battletech and always wanting to try out a tesla pod. I'm also a pretty craptastic carpenter.
It started with some pretty terrible pictures on the back of some lined paper. Then I hastily began cutting wood. I didn't even care that much about measuring 2x and cutting once. I'm good at cutting and measuring. Mostly. Surely that hastiness won't come back to *******, right?

(Actually it already has, more than once - but hell, like that would stop me)
so requisite pictures (I'll spare you the previous three as they're pretty boring):

(Don't mind the mess - it's a basement and it'll get cleaned .. you know.. someday)
These are the opening photo pictures, just building the frame.
I'll put tonight's pictures up. I've already boxed in the frame completely and begun paneling in 5/16th's MDF I got on sale @ home depot.
I'm going for a centurion-style cockpit (gonna be tough to pull off, but is doable)
Stuff I have available: old as dirt but awesome altec lansing 80w computer speaker setup w/40w sub. That's going under my seat.
Nostromo n52 - live and die by this thing. Great for MWO.
Logitech G15 keyboard (original w/ blue lights).
Computer, duh. It's nothing special. Best part is a 460GTX.
1 single 20in monitor, hoping to collimate the display with a fresnel if I can find one in the appropriate size.The real trick is going to be incorporate the various electronics components and my arduino as a secondary set of controls. I'm hoping to add some interesting gizmos. If I get REALLY proficient I'm going to find a use for my spare sharp SL-5600. I want to use the mini display as at worst a map-loader or for visual bling, as it were.
Ace in the hole - my wife is a professional artist and I *MIGHT* be able to con her into helping me deco this thing. That'd be awesome. Assuming she doesn't kill me first.