now before that there was streak cat worries and again it's rising bile in forums about how a catapult has such potency on the field especially when it boats/stacks the same weaopns.
although many other mechs do this, stalker being a main cuprit and i'm guilty myself of a 5lrg laser build {ppc boating is ridiculous but i haven't been ripped by them so much as to rage against them just call them lolololol's}
it's getting so bad that people are begining to field such builds as whack pults, gausspults and especially splatterpults in the same fashion as people wanted to tell pgi ravens were op and fielded premades of them. the c1's and 4s are FINE! I do feel a1's can stack the alpha too high but how to nerf that other than a suggestion i made on another thread about puting slot restrictions on hardpoint restrictions {also upping the weapon/hardpoint amounts for some mechs along wih the slot restrictions} is very tricky to make a nerf feel like a balance rather than just nerfing the chassis into the ground.
so lets get something straight with the community are they really game breakingly overpowered or are they just outdoing other less skilled players or something else in the works.
we've had a bunch of these threads so sorry if you're sick of them {i feel it's getting old too} however let's just see some more numbers and opinions to clear things up.
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 06 February 2013 - 08:16 PM.