I know there are many players out there that want a lobby system similar to the one that the older mech titles enjoyed. If you fall into this category you might be interested in a partial solution that I have been working on for the past two months in my free time.
This lobby is a recreation of the ms gaming zone built with modern software. It is entirely web based unlike its predecessor and has all of the features that you would expect… with one exception - game drops. I can hear your sighs, I know, I’m sighing too. If I could make it happen I would but alas it’s not within my power. However, a lobby like this still has its uses for facilitating communication, organizing clans/corps, recruiting, and a way to interact with other pilots outside of the game.
I’m aware that PGI plans on developing a lobby solution later down the road but that could be months out. This lobby would be a temporary solution until they are able to build a lobby directly into the game.
The creation and success of this lobby is up to you. I have built it but I am no marketer and if you could not tell by my post count I generally prefer to keep to myself. If you want to support this project and build a community like the past you will need to spread the word to your friends, clan/corp mates, and the people you meet in game.
A big thanks to Cymbaline for helping me test and iron out most of the bugs with the lobby. I could not have done it without you.
The rest is up to you guys. Use it, don’t use it, either way I have done all I can do to create a working lobby system. I leave you with a screenshot for those who are interested.
Edited by Tenbatsu, 22 February 2013 - 07:08 AM.