Weekly Review - July 6th

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, Jul 6, 2012 10:00 AM UTC 21  comments

Weekly Review – July 6th

Here we are again, at the end of another week. This one started with an announcement of the Nvidia MechWarrior Community Day, and after that was the fantastic news of the newest addition to our ’Mechbay, the JagerMech. Following we got our Weekly Screenshot 10, which has already lead to a lot of good debate and chatter. Ask The Devs 9 was closed up this morning, and the answers will follow this Monday.

So who’s going to the Nvidia Tournament? I’m really looking forward to seeing how that turns out – who will win? Who will lose? Which ’Mech will reign supreme? We have a few short weeks to go until we find out! We'll have more exciting news about it to follow, so keep your eyes open.

Thanks for tuning in, and we hope you all have a great weekend, and see you back here on Monday. Another week approaches!


The MechWarrior Online Team