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Community Warfare Interworkings Discussion

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Poll: Community Warfare Details! (4 member(s) have cast votes)

What type of map system do you want?

  1. Full Inner Sphere with players ruling entire planets for battle fought (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. Large section of the Inner Sphere with players fightnig over hemispheres of planets for battles, bonus for ruling whole planets (3 votes [75.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.00%

  3. Smaller Section of Planets, more focused on Planetary Warfare opposed to interplanetary (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  4. Very Small Number of worlds focused on continent Warfare (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

How should drops be restricted?

  1. Tonnage Based on dropship purchased (2 votes [50.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 50.00%

  2. Dropship based on total Elo (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  3. PGI's suggested 3/3/3/3 restriction (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. Restriction based on Mech Value (Battle Value or Meta Calculation) (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

Should players be allowed to buy bonuses using their unit treasury?

  1. Yes, both attacker and defender (4 votes [100.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 100.00%

  2. Yes, Defender emphasis (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  3. Yes, Attacker emphasis (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. No, it shouldn't have any more dynamics than the regular matches (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

How much MC do we want per territory

  1. A mix, with outer territories worth less and inner core worlds worth more (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  2. Balance across the board (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  3. Balance but Bonus for Holding certain multiple territories (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

  4. Mixed but with Bonus for Holding Certain Multiple Territories (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

Should their be strategic Bonuses purchasable

  1. Yes, defenders and attackers (3 votes [75.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 75.00%

  2. Yes, only if you own territory (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  3. Yes, only for attackers (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. No (1 votes [25.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 25.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 Fiaura The Tank Girl


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:47 PM

So let's go over what we want for community warfare and hope PGI listens.

First of all my suggesiton is a mix of territories based on teir. Larger units with higher total Elo should be restricted to what I call, Core Worlds. These are worlds worth the most but also going to be fought over quite a bit.
Medium Units with Average to above average elo should be restricted to Intermediate Worlds and Core Worlds, these aren't worth the most on the first one but are definately worth more than the periphary
Small with Below Average Elo units have no restrictions and can fight over Periphary, Intermediate or Core Worlds.
The periphary not being worth very much but a place for lower end units to go slug it out.

If you hold multiple territories in a section that creates some sort of sector, sectoring being 3-5 planets, you would get a bonus to your income, MC is the MC in this case, for holding those worlds. We will get to how getting MC for your unit works shortly.

Battles should be fought with a prime time for each location spread across the board so on the far right and far left of the map we end up with opposite time zones with some in the middle. A universal clock set at the top with a interpretation for the individual players to see both their time and the current map time. This will encourage players all over the world to participate.

Rewards for holding planets. Are two fold: 1 - You hold a planet as a unit you receive MC to your unit treasury which you can use to buy strategic attack/defense items, tactical attack/defense items, or distribute to your individual pilots through 2 methods:
Method 1: Everyone gets the same
Method 2: Unit commanders can choose to give only certain amounts to individual players
These expenditures must be approved by 2 unit commanders or the Unit Commanding Officer.
Both Methods are available to use by the unit
PGI has the right if there is a petition to undo this.
Further Reward for individual pilots:
Players can declare for a certain faction, as we do now. Which the longer you hold those planets the more points you accumilate towards your faction, more valuable planets or territory sectors giving a slight increase.
You get a bonus for fighting in that faction's name when you drop to defend or attack a world as well.

These bonuses accumilate for the following for teirs of completion that players choose where they spend the points they have made:
Discounts on Mechs based on mechs of that faction
Free Cockpit items based on faction
C-Bill earning bonus when piloting mechs that faction makes
Unlockable equipment normally not available - Such as UAC2 or ER Medium lasers or Light Fusion Engine rating X.
Advanced Piloting Skills only available for players of that faction applied to a specific mech
Dropships allowing specific bonuses or options such as changing mechs before a battle to the player who purchases them and chooses to use that dropship. Every faction has some basic dropships but as you upgrade the dropship of your choice it becomes more and more specialized towards that faction.

Unit Development:
Units consist of levels to dictate how large they can be:
starting units without investment start at unit size 36, this is 3 companies.
Investment of MC by the unit commander or unit treasury (Which players can buy MC for the unit treasury) increases the unit size lance by lance for roughly the price of a mech bay. Maximum size: 120 Members
Your teir restriction is based on how many members you actually have not how many you could have.
Unit created Cockpit items:
This is an option for players spefically in a unit. A tool to create in game cockpit items purchasable for by your unit. You make the item, submit it to support for approval and boom your unit can now spend MC to get this item and put it into their cockpit to show their colors in game! Or if you all agree you want to add an item to the community, a unit can add an item and receive 10% of the item's sales to their MC treasury along with a metion when people purchase it that they made the item.

Starting off, dropships will carry a limited tonnage with a limited number mechs. (8 mechs no more than 450 tons with a cap on weapons present based on Meta, so, Only so many AC5's, PPCs, Guass Rifles, LRMs, and AC/20s)
Dropships can be upgraded to carry more mechs or more tonnage, again for roughly the price of a mechbay but the price gradually goes up to be about the price of 3 mech bays when the maximum size is reached.
Each upgrade increases the amount of meta the dropship can carry as well.
the normal rules of mech deployment still apply so if PGI goes with a 3/3/3/3 system instead of a battle value system based on what the mech is equiped with and how those weapons interact, so be it.
Dropships have a maximum Battle Value (Replace the stupid Elo Number with something more tangible that players can see and that makes sense!) This will prevent players from almost always rofling over units with small elite units.
Dropships can be upgraded to give players in them certain advantages, such as increase in % of ammo per ton, increase in heat management (Small) or other small (less than 5%) bonuses to the mechs inside. The bonuses would be scaled at 1%, 2%, so on, no more than 5%.
Unit dropships and Player individual dropships would stack for these bonuses but not in a linear method, but instead add total bonus up and then apply to prevent excessive bonuses from unbalancing game.

The Way Factions Work:
You have a faction, you choose it based on your personal perferences or your unit perferences. Holding certain territories for a unit give bonuses for a certain faction to give more points. However, if you choose to change factions, you disable, not loose, the bonuses accumliated towards another faction and any points in your pool towards new teirs may start to go down if you do not change back to your previous faction.
This will encourage player loyalty and working towards long term goals.
Factions to start for small amounts of points will give players discounts on certain mechs or items in C-Bills.
A second teir will give free cockpit items based for that faction (Slightly more expensive)
A third teir will give pilots access to weapons, equipment, or mech items that are specialized for that faction and give a chance to gain items normally not available, (Such as UAC2 or Streak SRM6 for IS pilots, while Clan Pilots will receive a larger discount in C-Bills on items or clan versions of standard IS gear like standard clan Autocannons).
A fourth teir will grant pilots access to truly unique gear available only to that faction. Such as Light Fusion Engine, Omni-Mech Engines that you can exchange with Omnis, uAC10 or 20 or ER Mediums, or Heavy Lasers)
A final Teir will grant players access to the ultimate end in gear, this is things like Stealth Armor, and truly advanced weapon systems like Heavy or Light Guass Rifles or mixed tech, like Clan Weapons on IS mechs or IS gear on clan mechs.

Players earn XP towards their faciton in 3 ways:
1 Players earn it just by tagging themselves as that faction and winning matches at a rate of 10% of their XP goes towards faction XP, losses however do not help
2 Players units who fight for territory earn faction points regardless of win or loss, generating more when they succeed at territory defense or attack
3 Players units who hold territory automatically generate faction points for the player based on territory per day after the territory prime time is passed for the turn

There is no system of paying for more faction points. Period. You have to earn it. This prevents a pay to win system of being achieved and instead motivates players to do better and get better, also working as a team becomes more important if you want to earn your faction points.

Attacker and Defender Bonuses:
These are bonuses that can be purchased for attackers and defenders, you may purchase 1 permanent and 1 temporary bonus per day per territory you hold. With a bonus of 1 of either for a territory sector you hold. Attackers can only purchase temporary bonuses but can buy up to 3 of them per attack.

Defender Permanent Bonuses: - These are attached to one territory and if that territory is lost they are destroyed.
The 13th Warrior: (Expensive!)
5 mins into the match, a 13th mech in reserve is deployed. Limited to a medium mech.

Added Base Medium Laser Turret: (Moderate) [Max 3]
Another medium laser turret is added to your base, in conquest this turret is added to your starting captured point, in skirmish it is added to the most common point of conflict on the map.

Added Base LRM Turret: (Moderate): [Max 3]
Adds an LRM turret as you would a medium laser turret

Upgraded Laser Turrets: (Expensive!)
Replaces the medium lasers of turrets with a single large laser

Upgraded LRM Turret: (Expensive!)
Adds a single LRM 5 to the LRM turrets

Temporary Bonuses: (Last 1 Battle)

Lone Wolf: adds a 13th mechwarrior to a drop but only for one battle, he deploys randomly in a hot drop somewhere on the map and gets announced. Does not stack with The 13th Warrior.
Limit in size, Medium Mech.

Epic Duo: Similar to Lone Wolf but sends in 2 mechs, medium size limit. (Defender Only) These arrive 5 mins after start of match. Fail to arrive if team is defeated before then.

Preliminary Bombardment (max 2): The an enemy lance receive 1 or 2 standard, non improved, artillery strikes at the start of the match, players have a slim chance to avoid this. Cannot be the same lance.

Preliminary Airstrike (max 1): an enemy lance receives a non improved airstrike at the start of the match with a slim chance to avoid this. Cannot be the same as preliminary bombardment lance.

UAV Plant: (Max 2): at the start of the match, 1 or 2 UAVs are automatically deployed at coordinates of the commander's choosing. They may also be held in reserve and deployed at the company commander's choice of when or where, without having to position his mech there.

Coolant Bonus: (Max = Mechs in Dropship): At the start of match all players purchased for receive a free coolant shot 6.

Recon Data: Allowed to see the enemy dropdeck and given 1:30 seconds before match to change your own mechs or make adjustments. (Attacker Only)

Disorganized Hot Drop: (Attacker Only) Causes defensive team to be spread out in units of 2 instead of 4 at the start of match.

These are just my starting thoughts.

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