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Connectivity Issues

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#1 vI Rudejester Iv


  • 8 posts

Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:46 AM

Greetings Mechwarriors!

You'll have to forgive my unbridled use of the caps lock on the title, but over the course of the last 2 days my connection went from absolutely no issues at all to rubberbanding/freezing with 2000ms ping spikes. After doings some digging Ive found that this issues has been constantly plaguing players since 2012, and there havnt been any definitive fixes, work-arounds, nor any sort of developer response.

In detail, here is my issue:

I will join a game and enter the lobby, but I am stuck looking at the roster while (in some cases) my mech boots up, or sometimes there are pauses and then the cockpit loads in the background all while the roster stays in view. I can hear fragments of sounds and my allies seem to teleport along their path instead of walking, and sometimes they do nothing but walk in place. In these instances I either cannot move at all, or I rubberband all over the place feebly attempting to steer my mech to a safe location in hopes that it clears up, or (in the case of place-walking allies) Im free to move and shoot, but all other players in game place-walk.

Something strange about this brand of lag is that it seems to stop for 3-5 seconds every time I alt-tab, but it almost immediately returns after tabbing back.

Ive checked MSE/Window's Firewall, and no settings have been altered whatsoever so I am at a loss to explain why I am all of a sudden having this problem after never having a single issues with my connection in the 3 weeks I've been playing.

I am open to any logical suggestions on how to fix this, but I am almost 90% certain that this is a server-side issue that needs to be hotfixed because it is and has been preventing players from playing at all for nearly 2 years.

Thanks for your attention, and I will be checking this post regularly in hopes that someone out there might have the solution I am looking for.

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