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Resistance Mechs Discusion And Builds

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#1 Nori Silverrage


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Posted 20 March 2015 - 01:11 PM

Now that all the resistance mechs are here I wanted to take some time and go over them pointing out builds I like and important strengths or weaknesses.


Thoughts: Despite thinking it would be lame, I really enjoy the panther. The JJs give it a lot of mobility and forcing it into a max of XL250 gets you creative in the builds. I feel like it plays like a fast, maneuverable medium with good hitboxes and firepower (think Cicada with JJs and good hitboxes).

PNT-8Z - My least favorite Panther. Has quirks for Large Lasers, but you do have some flexibility given the 3 energy hardpoints and 2 missile slots.
Still, given the lack of a heat reduction quirk I think your best bet is this build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...b4bb7532955eda1
Just play it as a skirmisher with pretty good range.

PNT-9R - Excellent mech because it has the most energy hardpoints (4) and nice generic 15% energy quirks. This gives it a much more effective range of builds than either of the other Panthers.

Current favorite build is: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...b327313b1521180
I like it because LPLs are amazing. With the range, duration and heat quirks it becomes incredibly powerful.

If you like getting close this one could work out really nicely: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...dff13d027500882

PNT-10K - Really enjoy this mech. I've recently gotten into using ERPPCs alot and the playstyle of this mech just worked for me. Quirks are definitely skewed towards using 1-2 ERPPCs but you could try something else I suppose.

My favorite build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...d0179c2ce0d0b3e
2xSRM4 is surprisingly useful. Basically you play it as a sniper for the first half, then use your speed and mobility to SRM people and finish them off.

You could also drop the SRMs and get a second ERPPC. I don't really recommend it though because it is very hot and you now have pretty bad short range ability. Lights will eat you up even more.


Thoughts: I'm really not enjoying these too much. They aren't bad per se. But they also aren't good. The 45/50/55 ton space is very busy and a mech needs something to standout.
The Blackjack has great hardpoints and a good profile.
Wolverine has good speed and firepower with reasonable hardpoints.
But the Enforcers just end up pretty bland in my opinion.
They do have pretty good hitboxes and 2 of the 3 have a reasonable hardpoint selection. However, with little exception the hardpoints are absurdly low meaning you have to expose a very large chunk of your mech to fire.

ENF-4R - Probably the best variant because 5 energy hardpoints give a lot of options and one of the torso slots is pretty high mounted. It also has very nice generic energy quirks.

Most effective build for me has been the following: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...f048ae980ec448d
I like it because it mixes the ranges up and provides a lot of punch for the size. The LPLs need to be mounted in the torso because those hardpoints are much higher than the arms.

If you want to take advantage of the anemic AC10 quirk: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...84f41bdbd159741

Gauss rifles are fun right? http://mwo.smurfy-ne...3ae89e389b3999a

Take advantage of the Large Laser quirk: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...11a28892599c6cc

ENF-5D - Next best variant with the 3 energy hardpoints. Sadly it loses most of the nice energy quirks that the 4R has. Still you have some pretty good options.

With the LB10X spread quirk it just got this build has promise: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...a9a8f415e82ece0
Try to engage are medium to close range, but don't linger.

A good poke build that I've actually enjoyed (and makes good use of the laser duration quirk): http://mwo.smurfy-ne...3ba62f0ae5bba34

ENF-5P - Ahh, the good ol 5P... Dual UAC5 sounds good on paper, but given the jam rate and the low slung hardpoints (plus the tight fit) it makes it rather blah in practice. It is slightly better now with the -5% jam chance.

Meta build I guess: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...bb43d59a509d5d9
You can lay down a lot of dakka with this and the lesser jam chance means you can be a big danger if ignored. Make your shots count though because once you are out of ammo...
If you are willing to give up 10KPH you can drop down to a XL225 and get 45 more rounds.

If you like AC2s this could work out: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c0878d0bf011f7d

A alternative that gives up a AC2 for a LPL: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...4f8a69d345b8d1f

Thoughts: I'll be honest, I've focused more on the Zeus than this guy this week. So I will probably need to update my ideas and builds later.
Overall I feel like this is a pretty good mech. There are a lot of energy hard points and it is pretty XL friendly that can pack a good punch.
JJs increase it's maneuverability and armor quirks plus a slender profile help survivability.

But, the hardpoints are quite low slung with no Ballistics and just one mildly useful Missile (two variants).

Suggestions: I think the mech is hurt by lack of laser range and duration quirks. The lowish slung hardpoints mean that there is more facetime than is healthy and thus being able to either engage from further range, or quickly fire and fade away.

GHR-5J - Nice amount of energy hardpoints (6) and they are placed pretty well. One of few mechs with 2xAMS' and has a range quirk for it to boot.
Like the other GHR mechs it doesn't have laser duration or range which in my opinion means you need to pack a large engine.

I've been enjoying this build quite a bit: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...bbc7939a843726c
Large Pulses are a excellent weapon and the XL350 gives you Timber speeds. I don't normally use AMS, but the AMS range quirk plus 2xAMS' just makes it seem like a good idea. It defeats most clan volleys with ease.
I recommend experimenting with the JJs as 4 may be more than you want/need and more DHS is always nice.

4x ERLL to take advantage of the ERLL quirk: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...72852e8b6c0bb47
Probably would work out pretty nice on CW games, though the low slung hardpoints may have you taking a TDR instead.

GHR-5H - 7 energy hardpoints with 2 of the torso ones being reasonably highly mounted makes this a solid mech. Quirks want you to go Medium Laser, but sadly don't give you any range bonuses which means this will likely end up brawling.

I admit that I haven't tried this build but it seems solid and can output a lot of firepower within 270m. http://mwo.smurfy-ne...25816332c5fb196

4xLPLs is nothing to sneeze at: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...f0481c337214ad6

GHR-5N - 8 energy hardpoints is quite a bit and I think it really screams 2 large weapons and 6 medium lasers. PPCs fit, especially considering the 20% less heat.

STD engine version: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...f6f1e92b753fbc3
XL engine version: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...29461671c6a956d

Medium pulses could work, but I have to question why you would take this over a TDR-5ss: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...6057535367453d6

This though could be a viable alternative to a TDR-5ss: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...0fce9d9291b4d7f
Use the speed and JJs to your advantage. PPCs at first then close and use just the Medium Pulses.

Thoughts: Been using this almost exclusively this week and have found several builds I really like. The extra armor makes this thing quite tanky. In fact it has only 1 less HP than a Banshee everywhere but the arms. Hardpoint placement is pretty good and has nice variety between the 3 variants. Depending on the build I think that XLs are pretty safe. The extra speed it gives you is very nice and useful. Plus it lets you torso twist like crazy.

ZEU-6S - The only variant with ballistics it also has 1 missile and 4 nicely placed energy hardpoints. Quirks are reasonable though you get no benefit to energy weapons.

2xAC5s and 3LLs: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...a6248f55f4031c2
Take advantage of the quirks here and get some good DPS and ranged damage. The entire right side is a shield so you can take quite well. I'm not sold on two AC5s yet as you really need to stay on target to be effective.

Gauss can be quite effective: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...1bdc9c1b3f277ee

Haven't tried this, but would be funny: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...c592bf22609df6b

ZEU-6T - 3x Missile and 4x energy hardpoints is pretty awesome. Throw in missile range/cooldown and energy range and I think this'll make a good SRM/LRM boat.

Been running this and love it! http://mwo.smurfy-ne...0054c08053711c8
Poke with the ERLLs, but use the SRM18 at every opportunity. You will be very fast and maneuverable surpassing many heavies even, so use it to position smartly.

I do so love me some LPLs: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...592a5fa773f6adf
SRM12 packs a nice upclose punch, so core em with the LPLs and finish them off with the SRMs. Keep in mind the SRMs are on your arm and your arms are fully actuated. Yes, that is awesome.

4xLLs with a STD engine: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...feee0c7af4fcde6
For people who want more tank and range.

ZEU-9S - The final variant has the most energy hardpoints at 6. There is also 1 missile hardpoint in the arm. Energy gets a 10% range and 12.5% cooldown.

First up, wub: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...feeea716f304e9f
You have no idea how much fun this build it, and it is insanely effective. Cooling efficiency is quite high and you can just zip around wubbing stuff to death.
STD version: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...30729413e2ac214

Bit more balanced build: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...420083705815d23

ERLL spam: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...d2ebf938019eb74

Closing thoughts
Overall I have been enjoying these mechs with the exception of the Enforcer.

The Panther may not be what people consider a "comp" mech but it is fun to pilot and has some interesting builds. I find myself really enjoying the ERPPC, SRM8 build despite them being polar opposite weapons. Somehow it just works.

The Enforcer is really just a subpar mech. I imagine it'll be getting much better quriks if PGI wants it to be used more. It just doesn't have anything that sets itself apart from mechs in it's weight class. If the harpoints were a lot higher than maybe it would be fine as is...

It is still a bit early for me to pass judgement on the Grasshoppers. I think they need some more mobility quirks. Especially turn rate, torso turn rate and maybe even doubling the 10% acceleration quirk. Given it's sole dependence on energy weapons I really think some or all of the variants should get laser range or duration quirks of some sort

The Zeus has been a very pleasant surprise. The ability to put in a large engine and get a good amount of firepower without giving up too much survivability is very refreshing.
For those skittish about XLs in assaults; it has plenty of viable STD engine options and could give the Stalkers a run for their money, considering it has more armor and fully actuated arms.

Edited by Nori Silverrage, 22 March 2015 - 11:01 AM.

#2 DrRedCoat


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 07:56 PM

As someone who only got the Panther, I'm not qualified to respond to the other mechs but I was curious if they were any good (I like the look of the Zeus plus have had some fun with it in Table Top. Meanwhile, the people I play against like the Grasshopper so I'm inclined to hate the thing. Anyway....).
I agree with your assessment of the Panther. I have so much fun with the 10K. I just have an ERPPC and ML with max JJs. Strap an ERPPC cooldown module and you can fire it crazy fast. It really doesn't seem like it should be good but I'm getting some real results in it. If you get a lot of damage, then you're doing it wrong. You need to put every shot where it counts and you will be a force to reckoned with.

#3 Abaddonis


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 08:19 PM

Haven't run my Panthers yet, no reason, just haven't.
Haven't run my Grasshoppers either, heavy queue too congested.
Love the Enforcer 4R with gauss + 5 medium lasers. The other two are bland.
Enjoying all 3 Zeus variants as well.

#4 eblackthorn


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 11:27 PM

I expected to like the grasshopper the least but it has turned out to be my favorite heavy. I find it to be quite mobile and its the only heavy I have played where an XL doesn't feel like that much of a liability. Another surprise is that I really like the 5J, standard loadout I run is 3 lpl and 2 ml with a 340XL, 15DHS, 2xAMS with 1t ammo and 3 JJ.

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