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Changing Classes To Points

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#1 Carbonchild


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 09:24 PM

My idea is to switch to a point system for match making similar to the one shown below. The idea is to match people up using a number based system then the current Light, Medium, Heavy, and Assault system.

Posted Image

Most builds might be more medium based but low ton high ton could work as well. I know there might be some confusion with match making and getting teams set up but with the right controls it shouldn't be any more difficult than the current model.

For PUG drops simply have teams slotted via points as classes do now. When putting together a 12 man group you can build a deck rather than just dropping 3 of each class. I do see how some decks could become meta, but I feel this system could take the stress off of lighter mechs in a class. A 40 tonner vs a 55 filling the same gap can be hurtful to most comps.With a point system you could better justify having a 40 over a 50 because it could open up a whole new weight class for a teammate.

Just an idea on something that could be approved upon. I'm not trying to say THIS IS HOW THE GAME SHOULD BE! More like me just showing my concept at a fix to what I consider an underwhelming team build tool.

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