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Tournament: Operation Backstab - Battle Of Shattered Dreams.

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#1 Vellron2005


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Posted 12 October 2015 - 04:34 AM

Here's an idea for a tournament to round off Beta Fase 2 of CW:

Tournament: Operation Backstab - Battle of Shattered Dreams.

Premise: The great Innsersphere houses send task forces behind enemy lines to conquer the capitol worlds of their Clan enemies and "cut the head of the snake". The clans catch wind of this, and decide to retailate by taking Terra, along with Davion and Steiner capitol planets, by force.

Rules for IS:

All IS factions have 1 week to conquer the homeworlds of the clans - Strana Mechty, Huntress and Ironhold. Any house can participate. Also, defend your own faction's homeworld or Terra.

Rules for Clans:

All Clan factions have 1 week to conquer capitol worlds of the 2 largest Innersphere houses (Stainer and Davion) and assend the former throne of the SDLF - to capture Terra. Also, defend their clan's homeworld.

General rules and restricitons:

During the event, only the objective worlds will be eligeble for attack. Only faction's homeworld and/or Terra will be eligeble for defence.

During the event, NO NEW MECHS can be purchased. (to reflect the behind the lines warfare)

During the event, all weapons, ammo and cbill consummables cost DOUBLE (Behind the lines)

Lone wolf Players that do not have a PERMANENT contract with a faction must sign a contract with a faction of any length other than permanent to qualify for lone wolf rewards.

Win/Lose conditions:

IS Victory - Capture all target worlds, protect Terra and Faction Homeworld
Clan Victory - Capture all target worlds, capture Terra and protect Faction Homeworld

IS Loss - Lose Terra and IS faction homeworld
Clan Loss - Lose Clan Faction Homeworld and fail to take Terra

IS Partial win/loss - any other combination of wins/losses (losing terra but conquering clan homeworlds, or loosing homeworld, protecting terra but not conquering any homworlds ect.)

Clan Partial win/loss - any other combination of wins/losses (Capturing terra but loosing homeworld, protecting homeworld and taking terra, but not any other homeworlds ect.)

Any IS faction can attack any Clan homeworld and defend Terra or IS homeworlds
Any Clan faction can defend any Clan homeworld, attack Terra or IS homeworlds.


Participation reward - Play at least 10 CW matches - 2.000.000,00 Cbills + Fation Warhorn (or Sonic boom warhorn for lone wolfs)

Warior of note reward - Win at least 10 CW matches - 4.000.000,00 Cbills + Faction Cammo unlock for mech chassis of choice.

Master of battle reward - Win at least 20 CW matches - A free Assault mech (Executioner for Clans, Mauler for IS, Atlas for Lone Wolves,

Partial Win/Loss reward - If your faction has achieved a partial win/loss - 2 milion cbills + Faction Banner (for lone wolfs - 1 standing cockpit item of choice other than faction items)

Loss reward - Foaming mug cockpit item + 300 MC

Win Reward - 600 MC + 4.000.000,00 Cbills + 1 Champion Mech (Timberwolf Champion for Clans, Black Knight Champion for IS)

Most Effective Faction leaderboard reward:

3rd place prize 300 MC for every player
2nd place prize - 600 MC for every player
1st place prize - 750 MC for every player

Why this tournament is a great idea:

1) Becouse it is a "large stakes-large reward" galaxy-wide event that makes everyone involved

2) Becouse if would force each faction to split its forces tactically between attacking the objectives and protecting its own homeworld, but also actually helping other factions to defend and attack as well. The enemy only wins if it captures ALL objectives, so it is in everyone's best interest to work together towards protecting their back while attacking to also capture all objectives. Makes for a very dynamic battle.

3) Becouse there is no unit leaderboard, only faction leaderboard, so nobody can blame a win or a loss on Mercstar or 228's, so this promotes faction unitiy.

4) The rewards would make one feel faction pride. This would motivate people to play CW and actually give them an achiveable, immersive goal.

5) The low populated innersphere factions and clan ghost bear would be more motivated to play cose' they have less to lose - for them, the only loss condition would be the failiure to win Terra / Loss of Terra.

6) The event is long enoguh that anyone can have enough time to participate and win 20 CW matches.

7) The event would encourage inter-unit AND inter-faction communication, since it would probably be wise to actually coordinate attack and deffence efforts

8) A single player could in total win 10 Milion cbills, 1350 MC, a bunch of cockpit items, and 2 mechs

9) The rewards are tailored to Clan, IS and Non-decided lone wolf players.

PGI... would this be a good way to end Beta2?


I made a booboo...

Mods, please transfer to event sugestions..


Edited by Vellron2005, 12 October 2015 - 05:03 AM.

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