Jack Corvus, on 04 November 2012 - 07:46 AM, said:
I voted based on what I'd want to pilot in a realistic MechWarrior game, rather than on looks alone.
I voted humanoid. While it's irrelevant in the various MechWarrior computer games, the humanoid shape is so common in BattleTech because mechs can move and behave like a human. Mechs are not stiff gigantic tank-like machines, they are metal skeletons with electrically operated muscles covered in armour, and (especially the light ones) move and act in a human-like manner. I saw a post in another thread saying it seemed silly to field mechs instead of tanks when they have such a huge profile and are so easy to hit. That's not how battletech works. A mech can crouch, drop prone (if it's light), hide his body behind a building and fire around corners just by exposing his weapon arm alone.
See, but a tank is much less prone to getting disabled as easily as a mech would. Take out it's legs, and a mech will fall over, rendering it completely useless. Whereas if you blow the tracks of a tank, it can still function as a stationary "turret". Plus, tanks are faster, far more difficult to hit (which, ironically, you actually demonstrate by mentioning the ability to "duck" for mechs). And I'm not even touching the subject of gravity here.
The only pros I see a mech having over a tank, are armaments, since a mech has more room, and intimidation factor. Because face it, what's scarier, a rank rolling over the hill, or an Atlas?
Realistically speaking, I'd feel MUCH safer in a tank than in a mech. But mechs are more awesome.