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Raven 3L-Build

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#21 loliza


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:30 AM

View PostSkyon, on 08 April 2013 - 06:15 PM, said:

artemis does absolutely nothing to streaks.... so why would you spend the money on it?

other than decrease the lock-on time by what feels like 50%??

#22 Konril


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:05 PM

View PostSer Barristan, on 08 April 2013 - 08:24 PM, said:

I've been running HBKs for a while and actually picked up a 3L before the hate. Would it be worth building it with a PPC and use it to snipe and harass after the initial scouting or would that be a waste of the chassis?

I find folks don't care for getting hit with PPCs and it doesn't give up your position the way a laser does.

PPC Raven 3L

My own experience has been mixed. Overall, my base stats show 988 wins and 1,267 losses. Not all that great overall but I seem to be an average player. I just recently bought and upgraded that Raven and only have had the chance to grind through the basics, but of the 31 games I've played so far with it, it's been 20 wins and 11 losses.

Against the standard medium-laser and Streak SRM 2 raven, I do find myself at a slight disadvantage, but that can turn around very quickly if I can get any kind of support. The standard PPC does run into minimum-range issues. But until heat becomes an issue, I can somewhat effectively use the PPC to counter enemy ECM without killing my own ECM cover in the process.

In terms of DPS, the one PPC has been every bit as good as 2 or 3 medium lasers. However I count that to the fact that there is only so much 10 double heat sinks can do. Heat does become an issue quickly in a brawl.

Note if you check my build that to fit the PPC in there, I had to use a 245XL instead of the usual 295XL. So the one double heat sink allocated is part of the base 10, and not an extra. Yes, that does make me slower than a typical Raven. But I find I am still fast enough.

The biggest positive so far is that I don't feel any pressure to run well ahead of the team to earn my pay. If my team sets up sniper positions, I can cover the snipers with ECM and snipe along with them until the flankers show up and it's time to switch roles. Sticking with the team and covering my bigger teammates with ECM whenever possible has really turned out to be a game changer. It's almost a shame I don't see more people doing that.

#23 Skyon


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:37 AM

View Postloliza, on 09 April 2013 - 10:30 AM, said:

other than decrease the lock-on time by what feels like 50%??

artemis doesnt affect lock speed at all....

#24 Mirenheart


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:14 AM

View PostSkyon, on 10 April 2013 - 12:37 AM, said:

artemis doesnt affect lock speed at all....

It does affect streaks, even though it doesn't add the artemis component to the missiles.
There is a significant, and noticeable difference between with and without artemis. a least when tracking fast lights.

#25 YuLi


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 05:18 AM

I recently got a Raven to experience firsthand what the fuss about ECM is all about, especially in combination with this chassis. Sure you have some nice advantages (ECM (disrupt/counter), TAG, AMS, Beagle, dual Streak srm2) but the Raven 3L with ECM is not OP. Most teams sure know how to handle them by now. Those who don’t are usually not team players and don’t last long in the game anyway. The first two replies in this thread are absolutely ridiculous.

The raven lacks fire power and is very fragile. You need speed and good dodge skills and especially know when to back-off. I like taking on heavy’s and assaults (1on1) who got stranded from the main group and give them a run for the money. The real opponents tough are lights (try tagging fast moving targets) and medium class mechs who can keep up (except Cicada they usually are a joke

I run the standard build 295 XL, 2 ML and 2 streaks SRM. armor, structure and heat upgrade.

I’m not that good or anything (kill ratio 1.09, 169 dmg average) but it’s fun, spotting, assisting and harassment. Those who get 400 – 600 dmg everytime are very experienced players and will be good in any chassis.

Edited by YuLi, 10 April 2013 - 05:20 AM.

#26 Proxzerk


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 06:07 AM

View PostYuLi, on 10 April 2013 - 05:18 AM, said:

I recently got a Raven to experience firsthand what the fuss about ECM is all about, especially in combination with this chassis. Sure you have some nice advantages (ECM (disrupt/counter), TAG, AMS, Beagle, dual Streak srm2) but the Raven 3L with ECM is not OP. Most teams sure know how to handle them by now. Those who don’t are usually not team players and don’t last long in the game anyway...

This is very true in my opinion, I know there is tons of hate for the "Cheese Build" however as the game has evolved in the last month or so an ECM umbrella-ed group is still just as vulnerable as a group without, when it comes down to teamwork. I've found lately, regardless of what Mech I am rolling an ECM enabled mech becomes my groups immediate target, either to decimate or Disrupt.

Sure I am still in a few matches where I get WTFPWND by an ECM squad, but I've also watched them fall a lot too.

#27 Deathkree


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Posted 02 October 2013 - 07:48 PM

Ok, I just started playing this since I was small. Started with MCGold and followed until MW3. Ravens always had ecmas far as I understand thats what makes it the raven. Its my favorite mech aside from the Madcat (or timberwolf whatever, I know ot as madcats...which isnt here wth???) Anyways. Maybe I dont exactly rock or the raven hating is just annoyed players who dont know how to deal with them. Light are super fun and the ecm isnt that much of a disadvantage for the opponents. My build is kinda all mixed up the effective one I have now is 3ML, 2 Ssrm, ams, xl295 and armored as much as I could. Putting heatsinks on it doesnt really matter as I hit and run all the time supporti g my heavies ans assault. BAP is wasted space. I too would enjoy any clever or fun builds on the 3l raven.

And how do get 140+kph with the xl280. I only get 137kph. Just curious.

Edited by Deathkree, 02 October 2013 - 07:49 PM.

#28 AllSpark


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Posted 13 October 2013 - 03:23 AM

I have set to a very simple 2xERLL, ECM and XL295 build. I have stripped most of the armor from the left arm (useless arm is useless) and maxed other armor. I stay with the group cover them with ECM and engage targets at range from a cover position.

Most enemies won't bother spending ammunition on a ridge peeking raven because hitting it is nearly impossible, they go for a fatter target. So part of the joys of this build is the fact that you are a low priority target until the endgame and you end up doing good damage and you get decent amount of kills before you get focused on.

Don't bother circle fighting with other lights as the odds are against you, just run to your mates and the enemy has to break off.
You are a company support Raven with this build, not a scout or a light hunter - stick to your role.

#29 Sudden Reversal


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Posted 11 January 2014 - 03:52 AM

That build AllSpark is godlike.

You can ridgehump very well because your lasers are set so high, can reach out and touch pretty much anything you have line of sight with.

Only thing is keeping your heat manageable, because you so busy pwning stuff you fire so often and learning to relocate when an enemy takes too much of an interest.

ECM is OP is the moral of the story, especially on a thin framed fast as fark long armed unlimited ammo machine of death.

#30 The Great Unwashed


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 06:23 AM

I've run that same build for nearly 2 full days of game time now, but that build isn't really a match for any other mech if the pilots are equally skilled (perhaps the locust and commando are the exception). I have 1 extra heat sink and lowered the armor on my other arm and cockpit as well (rarely hit) But it's really fun to drive and is great for learning situational awareness... I've been loading the advanced artillery consumable and that can be quite funny (except the team kill I had last week ;)). I have the mechs I like maxed out so who cares about 40 kC-bills.

I've had a lot of fun with Raven 3L w ECM, 1ERLL, 2ML, 2STRK2 (1 ton). It's more of a mixed bag but it will send most other lights running. Determined Jenners will still eat you alive and I find the overall effectiveness of the 3L against the entire weight range is much diminished. I've been contemplating the ERPPC 2STRK2 (1 ton) build for additional long and short range cover, but the ERPPC damage is too low compared to 2ERLL.

Edited by The Great Unwashed, 13 January 2014 - 06:29 AM.

#31 Trevor Belmont


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 07:35 AM

I've been running a Raven 3L with 2 ERLL and ECM for a while. Absolutely love it.

#32 xhrit


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:06 AM

View PostShrouder, on 24 February 2013 - 05:34 PM, said:

this is a Raven 3L build I have set up in the last...15 minutes :D . I bought the 'mech today since I like the ECM/Scout/Support-Role in a team and the Raven fits my playstile best.

I run a 3L with max engine, max armor, endo, no bap, no tag, DHS, no extra HS. ECM, 3 mlas, 2 streaks. 1 ton of ammo.

I regularly pull off matches with ~6 kills or just under ~1k damage when I drop with my premade. Not that the raven is OP - it is Alpha Tier sure, but the other people on my team regularly pull off matches with ~8 kills or well over ~1k damage in other mechs.

Posted Image

Edited by xhrit, 13 January 2014 - 09:07 AM.

#33 Mr Amazing


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 11:28 AM

I win! :D

Posted Image

#34 User Error 0


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Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:52 PM

View Postxhrit, on 13 January 2014 - 09:06 AM, said:

I run a 3L with max engine, max armor, endo, no bap, no tag, DHS, no extra HS. ECM, 3 mlas, 2 streaks. 1 ton of ammo.

I regularly pull off matches with ~6 kills or just under ~1k damage when I drop with my premade. Not that the raven is OP - it is Alpha Tier sure, but the other people on my team regularly pull off matches with ~8 kills or well over ~1k damage in other mechs.

Posted Image

XD one day....

I did have an 882 with 5 kills once.

#35 BeBe79


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 12:05 PM

I do not want another Cheese build discussion.
But most of the replyer forgot about the Intention of the original autor.

I would like to use the RVN 3L as it was designed. As a team support for spotting and Lurm war.
I do not plan to do a lot of dps on my own. That is mot the purpos of this build.

Feel free to discuss and comment what you like or what you would change:


#36 epikt


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Posted 04 February 2016 - 12:09 PM

OMG that's what I call thread necromancy!

edit : plouf. Ditch the TAG and BAP for some firepower.

Edited by epikt, 04 February 2016 - 12:12 PM.

#37 Throe


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Posted 05 February 2016 - 09:55 AM

I tried Streaks out again the other day, and couldn't get locks against other ECM carriers, even though I had BAP *and* TAG. Streaks are broken.
I'd probably run something more like this:

#38 DrRedCoat


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Posted 05 February 2016 - 10:21 AM

This thread is positively ancient but I'm always happy to contribute my Raven build. http://mwo.smurfy-ne...6685d11f1b1bceb

I use it as a spotter first and as a harasser second. Despite the Narc quirks, I can't convince myself that it's better to spend the extra tonnage on a Narc over a TAG laser. Flank the enemy and TAG them. If your target is isolated, then run in and harass them while the LRMs fly. If they're with friends, then just try TAGing them as long as possible before you get noticed and then disengage and try again from another angle. When the brawling start, you can run in and get some damage while giving your team's LRMs the TAG bonus.

View PostThroe, on 05 February 2016 - 09:55 AM, said:

I tried Streaks out again the other day, and couldn't get locks against other ECM carriers, even though I had BAP *and* TAG. Streaks are broken.
I'd probably run something more like this:

BAP with ECM is kind of a waste since the BAP loses its ability to auto counter ECM when mounted in a mech with ECM (so you still have to switch your ECM to counter). Frankly, I'd drop it.

#39 BeBe79


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:50 PM

The NARC build is designed for a Group drop. Spending tonnage on NARC in solo is a hell of a gambling. BAP and ECM is still usefull in a role as a spotter. Not as a ECM Hunter. Here the combination of ECM and TAG or BAP and TAG is recommended.

#40 Ximinett


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:55 PM

Yes,if u are new,dont expect to kill a lot,specially if ur first mech is a light,however i started to learn how to do some kills on the Raven 3L trial champion mech,5 kills on a glorious day,later i do 1,2,3 or 0 kills on a match on my actual Jagermech.

My tips: follow the back of enemyes and shoot all times u can,hopefully u can get a kill. Of course watch ur back too. Also,watch the minimap and follow ur teammates,go with other lights for chase a bigger mech,is totally a win battle,also if u see another friendly mech chasing a solo enemy mech...GO FOR HIM WITHOUT THINK TWO TIMES,is a sure kill,because lights can have the role of interceptors,appart of spotters and scouts. Dont chase other lights on 1 vs 1 battle,more than that,dont chase ANY mech on 1 vs 1 battle if u are new,the chances to die are great.

U can kill an assault mech while u run a light mech when u have more experience on battlefield.

Take in mind that MWO is a team based game,so if u are hurt and there are friendlyes around,give em the chance to make lower the enemyes armors and then follow what u must think to do.

Edited by Ximinett, 14 February 2016 - 12:02 AM.

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