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Mechwarrior Platform In Danger From...

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#1 SilverMalachite


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Posted 24 March 2013 - 03:14 AM

To everyone on MWO

From what I remember Mech warrior was all about mechs, armour, ballistics, lasers, missiles, speed, sensor range, pilot skill, war, etc...

In 20-100 tons of battle equipment at your finger tips
Weapons with devastating influence on how you engage and fight when deployed.

Not sooking that the missiles do to much damage, Or that weapons damage should be lowered.

Not sooking at all.

Yeah bugs fine :-p Report them!

I am afraid that this beta is going to become a cod clone or a game where it takes 1000 large lazers shots to take out a commando

Or sensors becoming worthless because you know where the enemy is all the time after detection.

Or what ever sells, because while the beta was running it was turned into cod or bf and 1 health bar or what ever.

My understanding is the game developers are trying to create a Simulation of being deployed as a mechwarrior/pilot within the mechwarrior universe, Not a hero with a AK-47, with a god complex emptying 2 x 30 clips into a solders head before he dies so to speak.

Go play hawken then and be hero, because I think your playing the wrong game.

A simulator is still a game, I know... but MWO is a simulator that covers being a mech pilot and all the unfair enemy setups and situations and mistakes that got you killed eg. by being a hero/No teamwork/being hit by a catapult with 4 x 20 LRMS, or a stalker with 6 PPCs.

I loved that the LRM 20 did 36 damage, And all you gamers that couldn't handle that, cried like babys because you couldn't handle it.

I read the patch nots I thought they where only ment to change splash damage now 20LRM = 24 or damage.

Seriously let the developers make the game & help by reporting bugs instead of repeating & Repeating your sooking attitude Until they break so to speak.

If you want a health bar go play something else, Instead of dealing with armour & wear & tear from combat.

To the developers please stay true to the MECHWARRIOR Way of combat behind you that made the legacy.

I want to be able to play having confidence in my setup & knowing all to well what I can bring to a battle

Thank you

Kind regards


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