I'm sure you are well aware of this and it is a huge problem that is very much negatively effecting player experiences across the board. I also have a problem with single lances being put up against 8 pugs, that is just awful for both parties because that pre-made team does not grow in skill and the other team just gets stomped quickly.
I recommend identifiers to be put on social groups in the matchmaking system to insure that 4 man groups will always queue against another 4 man group (or 3 if none available and so on) and also that it is only possible for a 4 man group to be queued on a team with players that are solo queuing. The game in its current state WILL begin to lose players from constantly dealing with these cheesy shenanagins. Thanks for the read I eagerly await any response.
Edited by MayhemStrider, 25 February 2013 - 11:09 PM.