Not Nerfing Splatcat
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM
it seems like i am the only one who thinks it doesn't need a nerf...
the splatcat is pretty easy to counter if you know how and good players really do know how.
when i play my splatcat there's usually 2 options:
I kill 4-6 mechs and get 600/700+ damage
I get killed almost instantly after i first pop-up with max 100 damage.
people whining about the splatcat being overpowered are just bad players IMO.
if you just play like a team and think before running towards a splatcat there is no problem defeating them.
so often is see people just running towards me to get killed in 1 or 2 shots, and then its ''OMG splatcat sooooo lammeeeee''
so my advice to all the haters out there; Learn to play the game...!
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:20 AM
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:24 AM
Problem aside boating in general in cata builds... You can get that thing go about 80+km/h, maybe some JJs as well so yeah, try to keep distance to that.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:25 AM
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:36 AM
My C4 is going to get quad LRM20s with Artemis backed by 8 tons of ammo.
They'll pray to fight a splat-cat. And I will enjoy every minute of being a spiteful SOB blowing off 4 tons of armor with each salvo.
Honestly, never had a problem with splat-cats that I didn't deserve.
The AC20 cat can be a bit of a pain, and I believe it to be an abuse of the current hardpoint system - but I mostly view it as an offense to battletech and less of a powerful build. The 4ppc cat falls in the same line (as well as the 6ppc stalker).
The splatcat is a fragile build and depends entirely upon being able to get within striking range of the enemy. Even then - it must be nearly point-blank to be effective.
I've found the Catapult with LRM20s +artemis to be a vastly superior build to the splatcat in every way. Only time I wish I had two ears full of SRMs is when ECM starts being a pain in the sphincter.
Otherwise, I honestly couldn't care less about the splatcat. I point him out to my team and we wait for him to get bored and do something stupid. ... Or we do something stupid and roll with it the best we can.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:42 AM
Denniz0229, on 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:
it seems like i am the only one who thinks it doesn't need a nerf...
the splatcat is pretty easy to counter if you know how and good players really do know how.
when i play my splatcat there's usually 2 options:
I kill 4-6 mechs and get 600/700+ damage
I get killed almost instantly after i first pop-up with max 100 damage.
people whining about the splatcat being overpowered are just bad players IMO.
if you just play like a team and think before running towards a splatcat there is no problem defeating them.
so often is see people just running towards me to get killed in 1 or 2 shots, and then its ''OMG splatcat sooooo lammeeeee''
so my advice to all the haters out there; Learn to play the game...!
I actually couldn't agree more. I don't run one - never will. I've shot the ears off so many of those things, I'd never want to run a mech with such a short lifespan. I've been killed by exactly one Splatcat, ever. Killed at least 20, though. Raven 3l, Atlas, hell, even my hunchback-P knows how to pull their ears off and p*ss in their Wheaties.
There will always be people whining about broken builds. Once it was Streak-cats. Once it was even Jenners with 6 Small Lasers. Basically, if it's a build that doesn't suck, and more than two people use it, somebody is bound to get killed by it for not knowing how to fight it, and QQing is easier than admitting defeat.
I'd jokingly say nerf skill, but the "cheesebuild QQers" already do that themselves. Frell it, SRM6 'em until their tears quench your thirst.
Edited by Galathon Redd, 01 March 2013 - 01:43 AM.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:45 AM
It just needs to be forced to drop onto long ranged maps like alpine 50% of the time

Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:45 AM
Aim64C, on 01 March 2013 - 01:36 AM, said:
My C4 is going to get quad LRM20s with Artemis backed by 8 tons of ammo.
Considering that they said ages ago that an account will either be IS or Clan (No I'm not digging back 4+ months ago of post archives to find it).
And the Ask the devs 32 answer.
FireDog: Any chance for pure tech, IS weapons on IS chassis, clan weapons on clan chassis drops? Could be another game mode to keep it interesting.
A: Yes.
While the person asking the question does posit a different game mode, considering that clan and IS accounts will be separate, and they're talking pure tech, I really doubt you'll ever be seeing Clan LRM's on a catapult.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:46 AM
Denniz0229, on 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:
I get killed almost instantly after i first pop-up with max 100 damage.
This happens to everyone. The deciding factor on what build is strong and what build isn't is the frequency.
Denniz0229, on 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:
I kill 4-6 mechs and get 600/700+ damage
This on the other hand does not happen to everyone.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:56 AM
Denniz0229, on 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:
it seems like i am the only one who thinks it doesn't need a nerf...
the splatcat is pretty easy to counter if you know how and good players really do know how.
when i play my splatcat there's usually 2 options:
I kill 4-6 mechs and get 600/700+ damage
I get killed almost instantly after i first pop-up with max 100 damage.
people whining about the splatcat being overpowered are just bad players IMO.
if you just play like a team and think before running towards a splatcat there is no problem defeating them.
so often is see people just running towards me to get killed in 1 or 2 shots, and then its ''OMG splatcat sooooo lammeeeee''
so my advice to all the haters out there; Learn to play the game...!
You actually going to play the "Its not OP you just suck" card ?
How about this then, L2P doesn't work when "countering" an A-1 is in some situations impossible. Thats just a lame excuse used by people who don't want their favorite mech nerfed. Simple as that.
Yes a good player can kill one. So can a bad player. It just ends up coming down to the right situation. You can't counter an A-1 in a lot of situations because you cannot completely control the situation. There are other factors besides you and the A-1. Therefore your argument doesn't hold up. If this was a one v one game, then you would have a very valid point to argue. Fortunately for the rest of us, this isn't one v one.
Not to mention, the average speed of a medium mech is about 80kph. Catapults go just as fast as a medium mech. So outrunning them is not going to happen in most situations. Also, the speed difference between 70 and 90 kph, still isn't going to get you away fast enough to survive.
Finally, lets not forget about the excessive torso twist of the catapult. So getting behind it while it is attempting to kill you is literally impossible unless said catapult is a complete baddie.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:09 AM
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:22 AM
armyof1, on 01 March 2013 - 02:09 AM, said:
Of course it is unbalanced, it is an One Trick Pony. They always are unbalanced, either completely useless, or really powerful. Let them show their trick, and they shine, deny it from them, and they are dead weight.
A1 is actually fast and agile enough to be useful in Alpine. It's just bit harder, but well worth the troubles to slaughter some tunnel vision snipers in a map where they should easily dominate.
I agree with OP almost completely, just no need to post another topic for the issue really. Anyway, A1 is far from my most effective mechs (AWS-8Q, CTF-3D, took a lot of practice to succeed in those though), and it is satisfying to drive it. For me, it makes the game more varied and interesting both using or fighting against it. IMO SRM is broken, but certainly not enough to cry nerf for them. They just are lot more powerful than in TT, where everything is more or less based anyway.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:36 AM
xRatas, on 01 March 2013 - 02:22 AM, said:
Of course it is unbalanced, it is an One Trick Pony. They always are unbalanced, either completely useless, or really powerful. Let them show their trick, and they shine, deny it from them, and they are dead weight.
A1 is actually fast and agile enough to be useful in Alpine. It's just bit harder, but well worth the troubles to slaughter some tunnel vision snipers in a map where they should easily dominate.
I agree with OP almost completely, just no need to post another topic for the issue really. Anyway, A1 is far from my most effective mechs (AWS-8Q, CTF-3D, took a lot of practice to succeed in those though), and it is satisfying to drive it. For me, it makes the game more varied and interesting both using or fighting against it. IMO SRM is broken, but certainly not enough to cry nerf for them. They just are lot more powerful than in TT, where everything is more or less based anyway.
The problem is that one trick works too well as we have a huge majority of small maps with lots of ambushing points. That's why when we have as many big maps the splatcat will heavily decrease in usage. Sure you can make it work on alpine, but it's way harder than all other maps and as the instant gratification mech that the splatcat is, a lot of users will just give it up when they actually have to work for it.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:41 AM
The only way to make me change my opinion is to repeatedly kill my mech with an A1 but not going to happen. I'll leg or head shoot you first most of the time.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:42 AM
Edited by Sturmforge, 01 March 2013 - 02:47 AM.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:51 AM

OK, no, seriously, you get the impression that you're supposed to last some time even if you make a mistake, and getting one-off-offed is IRRITATING. But you learn, you keep your distance from the enemy, and they're less dangerous.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 03:01 AM
Denniz0229, on 01 March 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:
it seems like i am the only one who thinks it doesn't need a nerf...
the splatcat is pretty easy to counter if you know how and good players really do know how.
when i play my splatcat there's usually 2 options:
I kill 4-6 mechs and get 600/700+ damage
I get killed almost instantly after i first pop-up with max 100 damage.
people whining about the splatcat being overpowered are just bad players IMO.
if you just play like a team and think before running towards a splatcat there is no problem defeating them.
so often is see people just running towards me to get killed in 1 or 2 shots, and then its ''OMG splatcat sooooo lammeeeee''
so my advice to all the haters out there; Learn to play the game...!
Any child can pilot a splat kat into short range. Its nothing to do with skill. Learn to be objective.
Posted 01 March 2013 - 03:10 AM
Sturmforge, on 01 March 2013 - 02:42 AM, said:
You mean the SRM6 - a Tech LEvel 1 weapon - is comparable to a Clan Tech weapon that is supposed to be more advanced, also represented another level of power creep in the Battletech rules probably only existing to ensure that the new rulebooks would sell?
I have no idea how PGI will attempt to balance something that was even more intentional imbalanced (e.g. overpowered) than IS Level 2 Tech... Will it just be ELO?
Posted 01 March 2013 - 09:31 AM
MustrumRidcully, on 01 March 2013 - 03:10 AM, said:
I have no idea how PGI will attempt to balance something that was even more intentional imbalanced (e.g. overpowered) than IS Level 2 Tech... Will it just be ELO?
Wasn't saying it is not unbalanced. Just saying the boating will continue to other mechs. I think it has more to do with SRMs in general. I do not think the current spread works. At point blank and at 125 meters the SRM's spread becomes so compact that they all hit one place making it overpowered for its weight, as shown here.
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