*anyway i really don't think this should be a module
it would make allot more sense (at least to me) if it were a mech item such as bap and for me i think the best place and (only place it should be allowed?) would be in either leg as that would DEFINITELY improve the risk and reward of using it.
Put ammo in your legs? But wanna stick Seismic in? Well just move your two slots of ammo to a more commonly shot at section such as the upper torso (Assuming the other leg is stacked with ammo) and bam! - risk of ammo explosion
This would also laser builds which require no ammo and which is more prevalent among Light-Medium Mechs due to tonnage limit. (Not necessarily ppc boats)
So if your a heavier mech carrying Seismic and that means you have to place seismic in one of the legs this may be seen as risk for ammo harboring mechs who enjoy putting their ammo in their mechs legs.
I would also personally make it weigh 2/two tons as to deter ppc or laser boats and provide a choice of either two heatsinks OR motion tracker - same with ammo for mechs
The weight may even provide a slight boost to actual scout mechs as to make them prefer speed and seismic over weapons and heatsinks[
*If not just reduce Seismic accuracy if your mech is moving at the same time not completely make it so your mech has to stand still to detect an alternative
*Reduce Seismic radius to 90 normal to 125 upgraded
*Apply mech weight/speed variation for detection radius/presicion
*Not all the nerfs need to be into one
anyways all my opinion but well as all polls purpose it is to validate my opinion. (right?
