What this pilot (me) is potentially looking for:
Completely laid back environment.
No compulsion to be on voice coms unless I'm actually dropping with the unit. (When I'm only logging in to play for maybe 5 battles before my wife puts dinner on the table I have no interest/need to get on voice comms as I'll be dropping solo-- and sometimes I don't feel like wearing a headset)
Not interested in being around anyone who has a compulsion for going e-rage on team mates if plans don't get executed exactly how they played out on the sand table. Been there, done that. Have no patience for listening to some joker have an aneurysm because we just got steamrolled.
People who'll understand that I don't tend to speak a lot, mostly just listen. My wife and I share the computer room and I don't like annoying her with with a bunch of game babble.
Lastly, an understanding that I'm a family man who sometimes has to hop up out of the computer chair at a moments notice, or who may need to divert his attention to his 10 year old when she needs something. Sorry if I didn't focus fire Alpha at that moment, my kid was asking me a question and she's much more important than a video game.
This may seem strange, maybe it doesn't. Much like units want recruits to "tell us a bit about yourselves and why we should consider you"... I'm a potential recruit that likes to reciprocate the same towards a group I may think about joining. Vetting goes both ways. I'm also not trying to sound like some kind of super picky snob, but I'm trying to avoid joining another group that's going to wind up not being anything like it was six months later because of constant leadership changes, restructuring and other such drama.
I'm an average mech pilot who is only as good as the team he's with. I'm just looking for some easy going adults to play MW:O with on occasion. Give me a plan and I'll stick to it until it falls apart and a new approach is needed. (Did 8 years active duty, so I'm used to that kind of thing)
[edit- don't necessarily need to respond in public, PMs will work too]
Edited by Shard Phoenix, 04 February 2013 - 10:50 PM.