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Sending Invites To People In Matches

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#1 Kempner


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 08:59 AM

Honestly I think this is REALLY important. If I see a buddy of mine who I've played with, that he's playing the game, but he's in a match (yellow), I can't invite.

I can send him a text and then either wait ... which is boring ... or launch into a match. At that point it becomes a crapshoot to see if we both end up being out-of-match at the same time or not. Which is just terrible.
He should be able to come back from a match, see the invite, and then accept it. He'd then be in the group but not in battle. When I come back from battle, then we actually have a group and can't launch until everyone's ready. That's when we set up voice chat and go.

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