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Matchmaker Is Resulting In Unbalanced Matches

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#21 maXe72


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 07:24 AM

I think the ELO is a small step ahead for playin as PUG, but it needs to be tuned in some way.

Thats in my mind about it:

1. Playin against 5 Assault while not even one in your own Team isnt fun, regardless of the Pilot skills.
2. Playin against a Team which has ECM while your own Team dosent have, results in 80% loss of
your own.

Mostly it takes about 30secs at the start of the game and its possible to predict the winner Team.
But i like playing that Mechgame :ph34r:

Maybe i just have to join a Team, but that's my PUG impressions of ELO.

Edited by maXe72, 03 March 2013 - 07:40 AM.

#22 Targetloc


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 07:46 AM

I definitely think there are some oddities in the matchmaker.

My W/L and KDR actually went up during the tournament.

But by Sunday afternoon I started getting 30+ second waits to launch and would be dropped into consecutive games full of trial mechs and people who use night vision on Forest Colony.

Tons of games finished with me and another guy on my team dealing 600-800 damage and the rest of the team dealing 150 or less. Usually 1 or 2 guys doing 40 damage or less.

They seem to be less common now, but it's still happening pretty regularly.

There is absolutely nothing more painful than spectating 3 heavies on your team slowly dying to a lone, wounded Cicada because they keep firing their torso weapons when only their arm reticule is on him... oh, and none of them R target.

Oh god, it hurts. It hurts so bad.

#23 Ghogiel


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 07:55 AM

All that really happens is I get really long wait times. During peek times I get all the best players in the game. All other times, It's a right old mix.

#24 Stunner


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Posted 03 March 2013 - 08:05 AM

I think I'm winning more games on average even with the ELO. The weird thing is usually on the loosing game I'm either the #1 or #2 in damage so I don't know if the game was expecting me and another guy to carry the team or what. Hard to do in my LRM Cat which really depends on good teamwork.

I was in one match where the enemy had 3 atlases and our team had nothing heavier than a Cataphract so I know there are weight issues. We of course lost that fight since our team was mainly hunchies and catapharacts. We did put up a good fight and I think it was down to one Atlas left on their team.

I will have to agree that there is almost no communication but that is to be expected while Pugging. I did a few drops with my son in a two man group and had some fun with a good spread of win/losses so I didn't experience what the OP did although I have had that experience in 3 and 4 man groups where we just get stomped but then again I was playing with random players that I hadn't played with before.

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