Tips: Stay with your group
Center fire in a single mech
Don't empty your loadout in a scout
Stay on cover while in long range fights, and do quick shots (go out, shoot, get to cover)
Don't charge when you got enemies behind
Don't friendly fire, it is annoying, and if you shoot others too much they might, shoot back at you
Shoot to the legs on heavy/assault mechs
(most of this tips are from self experience, if you know something that might help, fell free to add them)
gl: good luck
hf: have fun
gg: good game
rgg: really good game
bg: bad game
(seriusly, some people dont know these, including me, some hours ago i didnt know what hf meant, if you know others, feel free to add them
Edited by Omega MK1, 25 February 2013 - 04:04 PM.