Testing Grounds is a Solo mode accessible to all players. We believe this mode will be of value to new and experienced MechWarriors. Look forward to future improvements.
Players access Testing Grounds by
- Selecting a mech to test
- Choosing Mode options
- Selecting Testing Grounds

Confirm that you want to launch testing grounds.
- In the future we will allow you to select the map.

Once you are in the game you are free to run around the map and do what ever you please.
- Learn to pilot a mech.
- You can even take trial mechs into the Testing grounds if you wish.

Test your weapons and your heat threshold.

Practice destroying enemy targets.

- Configuring your weapon groups in Testing Grounds will save them out for multiplayer gameplay.
- This will be an excellent place to access the in game options to configure your controls and video options. (ETA - March 19th)
See you on the Battlefield
Matt N