MadPanda, on 01 January 2013 - 06:48 PM, said:
One group = pandemic? Just take a break and play later when they are offline.
It's not one group of the same 4 people. there's many people doing this. that's the issue. I've always loved the 3L ever since we could play it, but now I refuse to play it because everyone has ruined it for me. I'm getting called "noob player" when I like to play the mech I've loved since the start. It's a huge mass of problems all coming together at one point and it's no fun. I've loved the raven for it's side windows mostly. I used free-look so much to avoid getting tripped.
And now, I see 4 light mechs butt-humping their way to the base, circling one mech, smashing into each other with no consequence.. ****** me off so much at the lack of skill these people need... They don't even care about their surroundings, who'se coming at them on their side, etc. Can't wait till tripping comes back, and makes them hate lights because they fail at piloting.
Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 01 January 2013 - 06:56 PM.