Mercules, on 05 March 2013 - 05:02 AM, said:
Comparing the Tier 3 to Tier 1 + 2 for how much they remove in heat and ignoring the loss of a module slot is just an extra slap.
The true issue is they told us they would never be adding Coolant Flush. Then turning around and adding it as a consumable with almost no warning it was coming was a black eye. The MC version being better is just a light slap in comparison.
Next you'll tell me that we won't have CW or clan tech for another few months, and that there was a bunch of features announced before the game even launched (yes, launched, not "started beta", that argument has been completely invalidated with how long this game has been out, to say nothing of the cash shop that's been here for months) that are still not in, and that they've completely broken key pieces of equipment, weapons and aspects of gameplay. Oh wait.