This is a simple call -
Please start moderating the forum in a way that anytime where someone does some forum vomit about pay to win that it's automatically moved/appended to a pay to win subforum or a specific thread.
I'm all for people using their 1st amendment rights, but you also have the right to police your forums (which are your private property).
I for one am absolutely sick of the stupidity I've seen regarding pay-to-win. My direct opinion is that people use fallacious arguments, sour personal experiences, and high emotion to bring down what otherwise is a good forum here.
It's going to ruin this game far before 'pay to win' ever will. This community, at this moment, is vastly more toxic and needs to be addressed through proper moderation.
Please Collate All The P2W Threads Into One Thread
Started by Gevurah, Mar 06 2013 07:50 AM
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