I think that the coolant flush module will be an item that gives unfair advantage to too many mech builds.
The rage about Raven 3L's level of power due to the ECM coupled with SSRMs makes that mech a terror on the field, like it or not. The major complaints include that it is a automatic hit, can't be hit, game changer of a mech that even out-strips the other ECM capable mechs due to the fact that SSRMs launch sideways and don't need to be aimed for them to work.
I think that the coolant flush will be the same thing. An unfair advantage that does not require any skill to be useful for the person using it. There is no downside to it, from what I understand. The mech does not lose any critical spots, no weight, no chance of it not working. The coolant that is used comes from thin air.
I think that if the coolant came from the mechs internal system, and then decreased the mechs ability to cool itself by an equal percentage after the flush was used then I think that it might be a viable system that would quell a lot of the complaints of the masses.
Example: 15% coolant flush = 15% lower heat dissapation rate for the remainder of the game.
A 6 PPC Stalker would get to use it, but then would be at a disadvantage for the remainder of the match.
This would force the player to be very careful with it and would immediately restore some balance.
My $0.02.
Balance Idea For Coolant Flush Consumable
Started by Death Weasel, Mar 06 2013 09:58 AM
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