So I have a couple of suggestions to try and get people to enjoy the trial mechs and make them useful to new players(often their only option) and veterans players(often piloting Hyperdeathtm optimized builds) alike.
I am thinking that as a community we can try to agree and spread the good word about piloting trial mechs during certain nights of the week. Perhaps when servers are often at a lower player pop to attract more people to play those nights.
PGI could chime in some benefit to the current trial mechs perhaps a double GXP generation or 10-15% cbill increase.
Basically play the game as you normally would either friends or solo, but play trial mechs.
Lets test the waters for trial mech night.
***Due to limitations of poll creation example of how to fill out poll
if you would participate in Trial Mech night without any bounses select yes for both options
If you would only participate with bounses select no without bounses and yes with bonuses.
Also to not cause an error if your answering the questions as either a new or veteran player please select that option in the section that you will not be answering
New Player- 200 or less matches
Veteran- 201 matches or greater
Edited by Egomane, 10 March 2013 - 10:33 AM.
Removed poll