Erik Hollister, on 09 March 2013 - 01:34 PM, said:
Bad take, bro. If you KNOW the other team is heavy on ecm, you can plan ahead. In case you hadn't noticed, LRMs are heavy. If you have them and cant use them, you are useless ssrm/med laser bait for the 3Ls and such. I guess you just change your tactics and don't mount any, taking away another important part of the game in order to satisfy the twitch gamers.
No, I don't think so. What you're talking about there is called 'putting all your eggs in one basket' and it's fine. It works and can be a very powerful weapon on the battlefield, whether we're talking about LRM boats, laser boats, ballistics boats - whatever. The thing is that when you put all your eggs in one basket, you are extremely strong in your chosen area and extremely weak in other areas. If I get within 180m of an LRM boat (ECM or not) I
should be able to shred it to bits.
You shouldn't be able to put all your eggs in one basket and still have a balanced load out and it's the risk you take when deciding to mount all LRM's or whatever other weapon you decide to boat.
Again, I'm not saying those builds are bad or don't work because they clearly do. But the idea is that you are trading off a lot of weaknesses for one really big strength.
ECM in it's current form makes the decision to boat a little bit harder (a good thing) and encourages forward planning and balanced builds, but judging by the amount of LRM's flying across every map I play I don't feel that it's impossible to use them or that they're even really hindered in any way. I run a Treb with 2xLRM15 and don't have much trouble emptying my entire ammo supply and doing significant damage, despite ECM.