stjobe, on 07 March 2013 - 10:10 AM, said:
From the "Consumables" thread in the Command Chair:
He's hasn't changed all that much.
I think of that as more of that half-hearted chuckle a guy does while he's in agony from getting hit in the back of the head by a 2x4.
Shumabot, on 07 March 2013 - 10:18 AM, said:
I have a message for paul too.
"Do a better job and the community will stop thinking you're a snake oil salesman trying to turn the game into a korean p2w mmo in every patch."
I'll wait to see actual improvements now that he's read my message.
I have a message for you.. "Do a better job of posting and you'll get taken seriously, not just insulted."
(PS: If Vassago Rain is liking your post.. you may want to re-evaluate the objectivity of your post.)
Jetfire, on 07 March 2013 - 10:22 AM, said:
In CB, we knew everything was barely held together with scotch tape. Now we are dropping cash and even though I know everything is subject to change and I am taking risks giving them money, I make a point to give serious constructive feedback when I see things that can be better.
It seems like they would do a lot better pitching ideas to the community in the design phase, before they settle on implementation, only to re-rig implementation at the last minute. It would save a lot of time and aggravation for everyone. They seem to be good at responding to criticism though, so you can only be so hard on them.
In a perfect world, that'd be wonderful.. and given an objective audience that kept a thought to balance and not their own designs, it would be awesome. However.. given the varying play-styles and the not-so varied selfishness of players.. they'd never get anything done.
Ex: PGI: "We're thinking about changing ECM to keep it from blocking missile lock in order to bring a more active role to missiles in the game, at the same time we're reducing missile damage and knock and increasing the missile speed to keep them from being too strong."
Missile Crowd: YAY! Yeah nerf that ECM, but why fafuq you dropping the damage? They never hit anyways!
ECM Crowd: Good Job PGI, Welcome back to missile warrior online!
Would never get anything done.
Thuzel, on 07 March 2013 - 10:40 AM, said:
Well this is ironic
1. They may say the game is still beta, but that's irrelevant when they started regular sales. As soon as that started to happen, people got a lot more serious. As they tend to when money is involved.
2. A large portion (won't quibble numbers) of the attitude you describe comes from the meta crowd. Just about any time someone makes a statement as to balance or game play, they get shot down with the worst kind of responses. It doesn't mater if they have numbers, theories, or just opinions, they get thrown back the typical "cry moar" posts...
If you want things to be more lighthearted and fun, don't go around slinging mud...
Admittedly.. occasionally I love slinging mud.. at the mudslingers. (Otherwise I've been known to have rational conversations that come to constructive ends.)
I can't necessarily stop the stupidity, but I can capitalize on it for fun.
Yoseful Mallad, on 07 March 2013 - 10:43 AM, said:
They would save themselves a lot of backlash and trash talk if before something is to be implemented, they say hey community we can do it this way or this way or this way... And at least see our feedback FIRST before going and saying this is what website adding.
See above regarding addressing community first before implementation.
Shumabot, on 07 March 2013 - 10:45 AM, said:
Or if they communicated with their community at all, rather than releasing patch notes through IGN four days late and then describing a pay to win system that wasn't on the roadmap and which no one wanted or asked for.
PGI is literally worst in class for community engagement. It's horrific how bad of a job they do involving their community and preparing it for progress while contextualizing and explaining decisions (things that are an absolute requirement in an actual 'beta').
Also see above.
And btw: You're worst in class for objective posting. It's horrific how bad of a job you do in criticizing objectively and making people want to listen to you while objectifying and explaining your criticisms. (Things that are an absolute requirement in an actual constructive criticism for a beta.)
Hope you enjoyed that.
Orzorn, on 07 March 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:
Game is in beta, at least according to several people.
Beta is for feedback and tweaks.
We gave feedback.
We got tweaks.
Mission accomplished.
With unnecessary collateral damage..and you're proud?
valkyrie, on 07 March 2013 - 10:56 AM, said:
Or, maybe Paul can take his finger off the trigger before each announcement, make sure everyone thinks what he's about to shoot off is safe, and actually communicate with the players before going and shooting himself in the foot like he does every two months.
Stop fishing for compliments on reddit and start asking for formal, organized feedback on proposed changes and other issues (ie balance issues) on a regular basis. The game will get better, and people will start thinking better of Paul and Garth as a whole.
See above regarding community discussion before implementation... it just wouldn't work.
whiskey tango foxtrot, on 07 March 2013 - 10:57 AM, said:
Hawkeye and I touched on this subject the other day.....things have changed since CB , you're right , way to serious.
I'm going to give Nubnub a call to see if anything can be done.

I'd like your post, however I have a personal issue with liking a post liked by its poster.
Mawai, on 07 March 2013 - 10:57 AM, said:
Well ... if Paul had been posting a joke ... or had said "Here's what we are thinking about consumables ... what do you think?" or had otherwise indicated that his initial post on the subject was in some way tentative ... then I would completely agree with you.
However, he didn't. He posted a flawed design and implementation plan using a tone that indicated that here is what we are doing and it will be arriving March 19. There was no suggestion in the original post that the design was up for discussion or that changes would be made ... the only reason things have been changed is due to the uproar and generally logical feedback provided by the community objecting to the issues present in the original design.
As I result, I can only really conclude that they got what they deserved for posting a half-baked design. However, I am EXTREMELY grateful that they posted it at all ... instead of surprising everyone with the patch on March 19th ... this made it possible for the community to respond and the developer to take those concerns into consideration in redesigning the planned consumable implementation.
He wasn't posting a joke.. that's my point.. he doesn't post jokes any more.
He gets (rightfully) annoyed by some of the stupid things out there.. and tries to add a little lightheartedness to a [redacting] of an idea.
Edited by Livewyr, 07 March 2013 - 11:35 AM.