Troma, on 07 March 2013 - 07:02 PM, said:

Pgi You Won, Tired Of Complaining About Ecm
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:09 PM
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:10 PM
RG Notch, on 07 March 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

Guess what, I hate ECM and think it is too strong, yet I still have fun playing playing the game. Believe it or not people can have fun playing a game even if they hate something about it. Thus you can't say that those that do not come to the forums are ok with ECM the way it is.
Edited by Noth, 07 March 2013 - 07:13 PM.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:12 PM
Shadowpunisher, on 07 March 2013 - 06:21 PM, said:
Three months of frustration playing against an obviously OP equipment, requiring NO skill at all to use but a lot of unfunny efforts to counter.
Three months trying to make YOU, PGI, change opinion and balance this equipment.
Now I'm tired, tired to see that YOU are just ignoring us, that their are still a majority of players unhappy with how ECM is working.
But it's fine YOU WON ! LRMS are now more imbalanced, Streaks are still too powerful against light mechs, ECM rule the game, and you are manipulating us with your Consumables changes surprisingly made in 1 day when it is something that need weeks to balance ...
But I'm not resigned, I will still continue to say that the game is imbalanced, but not here, because their are too many things that need to change [ECM, Missiles, Information sharing, Consumables, ...]
You can help yourself not to looking at pretty helix LRM. A light shouldn't be in the front line and engaging assault mechs that carry streak, try to back-stab them.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:18 PM
What we should have is called Guardian ECM it has 3 settings not two. 1. stops narc/artemis 2. counters ecm 3. ghost targeting which makes it harder to hit by any weapon system not impossible to lock
Angel ECM from the future only has two settings 1. Counter ECM 2. stop narc/artemis and ghost targeting; note this is from the future timeline of MWO yet we have this and ghost targeting was never automatic it actually was a pilot skill and sometimes did not work or did not work well and BAP and Command Console worked against it.
Null Sig, Does all of the above but works automatically, This is what we have in MWO right now. Not even a real rule or piece of equipment, so broken that Catalyst lists it as an experimental rule and it is not available on any stock mech. Yet this is what we have in MWO right now. A piece of futuristic ECM equipment that is decades away from implementation in this timeline.
Want more future equipment, how about coolant flush. Currently not available in this timeline, but MWO is now adding yet another piece of future equipment but making it better. Since coolant pods weigh something, have to be put on your mech, can be destroyed. Yet, MWO coolant flush is magic fairy power up. Not even part of the technology or timeline.
Sorry PGI, you get a fail on both of these systems. Not in this timeline, completely unbalances the game. Just when PGI got the entire heat system perfect, they throw a wrench in the system by offering future tech. Doc Brown, can you get me some more future tech please? Some without a drawback, possibly some no weight armor and ammo buffs would be nice.
In Battle Tech when you called in arty or air you actually had to pay for it in BV or weight tonnage for a drop and Air strikes took 1.5 minutes between them and Arty could take a long time to since arty had to be boards away to use. But, nope, we get magic arty/air strike powerups. Just insert cash here. Sorry another fail plus it takes away from role warfare of the command console.
So how should ECM work in this timeline for a first person shooter you ask? Let me tell you. Ghost targeting should make it harder and longer to lock targets on an ecm equipped mech. Note not impossible. Say 6 seconds to lock an ecm mech, minus one second for BAP and two seconds for command console. Note possible modules and pilot tree skills could lessen the amount even more. But at least a two second delay should be required between each shot, meaning you need to reacquire a lock on an ecm mech each time and lock is lost when missiles detonate.
Now how do we fix the broken streak mechanics, I say in the same way. Each time, like it says in the rule book for streaks a lock must be acquired. This fixes the broken fire and forget ssrm of MWO. Into a smart weapon that other mechs can dodge or break lock on. Currently because of target retention module you cannot break the lock of a raven with streaks, unless you have ecm. So a jenner, commando etc die horribly because ssrm is easy button.
How important is this to the balance of the game right now. Winter is Coming. The Clans have SSRM6 and SSRM4. Think its broken now. Wait till the 40 ton dragonfly omni mech with ecm and 4-6 ssrm6 come into play. 175kph, jump 12 and ssrm and ecm. Thats a 90 point alpha from that little 40 ton mech. How about a 10 ssrm6 daishi or the 150 point alpha. Oh and a daishi will have a command variant with ecm just like the atlas. Ooops, think balance is broken now. Doesn't take a genius to see there are problems in the future for MWO if they keep sticking with using broken systems from the BT future and instead of admitting they screwed the pooch, and trying to fix it. They just keep adding broken counter attempt after broken counter attempt.
Another major problem with ssrm, srm and lrm at the moment is they fire on ballistic paths and track to CT. Yep unguided missiles will hit dead center every time. Wait that seems guided and overpowered. Well it is. Its why in table top they have missiles hit in random locations every time. Even streaks or it breaks the game balance. What would it mean to MWO if missiles hit random locations. 6 x srm6 AT catapults would fire and each of the 36 missiles might hit different locations instead of bunching up and coring an atlas you might actually hit its legs, arms, and even head and some might not hit at all. Cause it was very rare in BT a 1 in 36 chance that all missiles hit. Higher with artemis. This is why missiles always seem broken and op in MWO right now.
So, Once again I will be shouted down by the min/max players that like to stomp pugs and pump up their stats. How about if you disagree with me you try using intellectual honesty and debate and use facts while discussing how I am wrong or how it is better now and how it is.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:51 PM
Shadowpunisher, on 07 March 2013 - 06:21 PM, said:
Three months of frustration playing against an obviously OP equipment, requiring NO skill at all to use but a lot of unfunny efforts to counter.
Three months trying to make YOU, PGI, change opinion and balance this equipment.
Now I'm tired, tired to see that YOU are just ignoring us, that their are still a majority of players unhappy with how ECM is working.
But it's fine YOU WON ! LRMS are now more imbalanced, Streaks are still too powerful against light mechs, ECM rule the game, and you are manipulating us with your Consumables changes surprisingly made in 1 day when it is something that need weeks to balance ...
But I'm not resigned, I will still continue to say that the game is imbalanced, but not here, because their are too many things that need to change [ECM, Missiles, Information sharing, Consumables, ...]
I have never used ECM and I run LRM's from time to time....I am totally fine with it as it is. It is TACTICAL equipment....same as deciding between an AC10 and an LBX10 is a TACTICAL choice. It certainly makes the game interesting when you're staring down 3 D-DC's!!!
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:56 PM
Barushkukor, on 07 March 2013 - 07:51 PM, said:
I have never used ECM and I run LRM's from time to time....I am totally fine with it as it is. It is TACTICAL equipment....same as deciding between an AC10 and an LBX10 is a TACTICAL choice. It certainly makes the game interesting when you're staring down 3 D-DC's!!!
Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:58 PM
Noth, on 07 March 2013 - 07:10 PM, said:
Guess what, I hate ECM and think it is too strong, yet I still have fun playing playing the game. Believe it or not people can have fun playing a game even if they hate something about it. Thus you can't say that those that do not come to the forums are ok with ECM the way it is.
No, again I can say it seems that way to me. I can state my opinion. I never said they are ok. I said they seem ok. The key is they, like you are having fun ECM or no correct? Thus they keep playing and paying.
Do the people who hate it really think it's going to fundamentally change suddenly? That the devs, despite talks on many soft counters and such will all of a sudden stop doing those changes that they have been working on for months? It honestly reminds me of the people who argued about double armor or the people who argue for scrapping the whole heat management system and retooling it rather than tweaking individual items. They produce spreadsheets and what not and get lots of people to like their posts. PGI keeps on tweaking individual items and it seems thats the way they are going. I see ECM as the same. Lots of people hate it, PGI is making incremental changes and various counters, that's their vision and they have sunk lots of work into it. I see more and more people deciding that it's working. I just don't see them making a sweeping change after the effort put into the tweaks.
I'm really not all that concerned either way. It needs fixing one way or the other. I just don't see them making a dramatic swap that some people want.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:10 PM
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:17 PM
Ranek Blackstone, on 07 March 2013 - 08:10 PM, said:
The 3L isn't the problem; Streaks and ECM (and a little bit of wonky hitboxes sprinkled on top) working in unison is.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:28 PM
Indk, on 07 March 2013 - 07:04 PM, said:
Dude, you're not helping the cause at all....
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:45 PM
We have angel ECM 3 years early but yeah...
Also; lol at PPC disrupting it
wwiiogre, on 07 March 2013 - 07:18 PM, said:
Its March, winter came and went. Spring is coming
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:52 PM
Shadowpunisher, on 07 March 2013 - 06:39 PM, said:
How I know majority of players are unhappy with it ? Last poll I saw said it.
I don't have any problems to play against it, but it's not fun at all. And when I'm using a Raven 3L or a DDC I feel dirty, its too easy.
It's a GAME it should be fun to play against each others.
Nothing wrong with ECM. But they are right about the 3L hit boxes.
Edited by Rizzwind, 07 March 2013 - 08:59 PM.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 08:55 PM
Shadowpunisher, on 07 March 2013 - 06:39 PM, said:
How I know majority of players are unhappy with it ? Last poll I saw said it.
I don't have any problems to play against it, but it's not fun at all. And when I'm using a Raven 3L or a DDC I feel dirty, its too easy.
It's a GAME it should be fun to play against each others.
Not everyone votes in poles regarding things that are working as intended.
Edited by Konrad, 07 March 2013 - 08:56 PM.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:00 PM
Inappropriate1191, on 07 March 2013 - 06:37 PM, said:
You missed the best one. ADV Target lock. It lets you lock ECM mechs at 250 meters. and they can't stop the lock unless the close to 180. Streaks and LRMs can hit at 250 you just need to learn how to use it OP.
Edited by Rizzwind, 07 March 2013 - 09:01 PM.
Posted 07 March 2013 - 10:27 PM
u got pwnt
Posted 07 March 2013 - 10:30 PM
Indk, on 07 March 2013 - 07:04 PM, said:
You're a scrub, and since you can't adapt in the 3 months or whatever you'll apparently always be a scrub.
Go ahead and try and call me out or whatever but the fact of the matter is its really not that hard to counter. Instead of complaining about it why not learn how to play.
I don't know about "extremely easy to counter". But, It can be dealt with using sensible load outs and with enough practice. And if it can be dealt with as such, then the balance is "good enough".
Posted 07 March 2013 - 10:32 PM
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