I was thinking of a fast moving light-hunnter (mlasers, srms) that I could also use as a mobile lrm platform when I get bored.
The aboved mentioned three mechs came to mind. Which would you recommend?
The KTO-18 has the most missile hardpoints.
The KTO-20 has the best torso and arm twist ranges (according to wiki).
The SHD-2D2 has jumpjets.
All weight the same and I believe they have the same engine ratings as well. I was thinking of running the XL-280, XL-300, and XL-325 engines depending on loadout (I already have the XL-300 for my JM6-S).
I'm am however not familiar with hitboxes and they matter a lot.
Thx for your help in advance.
Edited by Master Starblaster, 19 December 2013 - 08:44 AM.