MadPanda, on 09 March 2013 - 11:12 AM, said:
Obviously we are talking about two different kind of people here. You are thinking the new player is a ******** kid with attention problems and when he plays the game first time and doesn't completely wreck his opponents, he thinks the game must suck balls. While I'm thinking about a regular sane person who goes in without much expectations and when he gets his butt handed to him, he thinks "I just got wrecked, but what the others were doing looked like fun, I should probably learn more about this game". So we are both right, but I don't feel one bit sorry about losing the types of players you are thinking about.
More delusion. This is exactly like people white knighting the whole pay2win thing. People generalizing and marginalizing legitimate criticism to defend their game at any cost, flaws be damned. No, it doesn't have to be a kid with ADD to come to that conclusion, that's just you bullsh*tting and apparently thinking that people that can stand this game are somehow superior. People just don't want to waste their time. This game has to prove to them that it's worth playing, not the other way around.
You can celebrate over losing players all you want, though that seems unnecessarily antagonistic to wanting this game to succeed as it is supposedly a F2P game and having a large player base is the entire point of the model. Just don't complain when this game becomes more and more of a blatant cash grab in the future in order to survive off the meager existing player base just because they couldn't be assed or even realize that they needed to fix tutorials, some basic bots, in-game help screens, get more newbie friendly trial mechs up and running, and having trial mechs actually facing other trial mechs. How about a stock mech only mode where they don't actually have to buy the mechs so they can try any mech they want? Or even CW to provide that carrot everyone loves in the mean time? Nope, no sign of that either. Fixing heat? LOL.
People love to mention training grounds, but they don't actually help you train or learn the game at all in their current state. You can't even try out mechs and equipment there before you actually buy it so it's pretty much useless currently. Hell, you can't even pick maps. And how many months did it take to even get this?
That stuff like this isn't a top priority, but designing and implementing cash grab consumables and hero mechs is, is rather tragic really.
Just answer me this, how would the game suffer if it made the new player experience on par with a game like say, Starcraft 2, that has an abundance of tutorials, in-game help screens, practice games, small challenges and on and on and on to help new players cope with what is a rather hard and complicated game. How would this game suffer from being easier for new players to get into and ultimately growing its player base?
If it wouldn't, you shouldn't be arguing against players that think it's too hard on new players at all, you should be coming up with ideas to help them no matter what. People have been complaining about this since forever, yet almost nothing has changed in over 6 months. Cadet bonus is merely an emergency band-aid, and a really bad and lazy one at that.
Edited by vrok, 09 March 2013 - 01:59 PM.