Team Leader, on 09 March 2013 - 10:56 PM, said:
ROFL WTF? why do people insist "it further fragments the player base" ? thats ridiculous. what further fragments the player base is forceing people to play with people they dont want to play with. THAT is what makes a game unenjoyable.
Also Who said anything about you or anyone else "taking a backseat"?
Are you just mad cuz you cant solo-zerg here? get off my lawn.
I dont want to play with PUG's so I choose to play LESS.. these leagues of various incarnations are fun for me, why?
#1 I dont have to deal with "troll" builds
#2 I dont have to deal with mindless morons who try to preserve thier precious KDR by hiding and shutting down when they start losing
#3 The Goons dont play in them
#4 opponents are respectful and are respected
#5 I dont feel like I'm grinding a mech for XP or cash
#6 it fills in a HUGE lack of content
#7 It requires a thought beyond "rush thier front line or base cap ftw omgzorz!".
#8 It promotes actual team play
#9 It only "excludes" those that wish to be excluded, good riddance if you ask me
#10 it makes the game social again.
you know, I havent seen a rule that says a group of pugs cant enter either, so arguements about it splitting the community are completely invalid.
want to be a pug and still enter? get 8 of you zerglings to consistantly play together and enter, problem solved, you have now "un-excluded" yourself, amazing how that works no?
Diversity promotes growth, not the other way around. Diversity also points out flaws which tends to make people pull thier heads out of the sand which they dont tend to like, Oh hai thur PGI devs, yes im talking about you.
And for Vass, I may be a troll, but at least I have valid points to go with my smartazz quips, you just thrive on griefing anyone for anything you can, move along amateur, you're too little to play on my bridge.
Edited by Havok1978, 24 March 2013 - 05:27 AM.