scruffy416, on 14 March 2013 - 09:22 AM, said:
All I see is a veiled rewording of the idea "We should ignore the ideas/suggestions of those players with a low Elo"
Have I missed something?
No, ideas and suggestions are valid from anyone. This is more of a plea to the devs and a info to those that wants balance changed all the time. If the lowest elo players have problems with a tactic/build/playstyle, then the devs by all means should strive to improve their enjoyment of the game by adressing it. The important part is that in doing improvements for the lower skills the balance should not be changed for the meta game of the top players. If balancing is done for the top players, the playstyle and builds that they do usually trickles down until it becomes the standard play of even the lowest skilled.
A purely hypothetical example of this would be if there were only LRM 10s and PPCs in this game, and the aiming reticule was etremely hard to handle. In top level play, LRMs and PPCs could be balanced, since even with a really hard to use aiming reticule a top player can hit pretty well. In lower level play, the LRMs would be VASTLY overpowered, since players don't have the skills and time to learn how to aim for doing good damage with them. The lower skilled players would cry that LRMs are overpowered, while the "elite" would think they're balanced. If the LRMs got nerfed so that lower skill levels were even, PPCs would rule the field in elite play, and in the end there would be no balance since when you get to a certain skill level PPCs are the only viable things.
Now the correct way to help out the lower skill levels would be to make a better aiming reticule. That would not destroy the game balance for the elite, but would help lower skill levels to actually hit with the PPCs. LRMs might still be the better choice for lower skills, but the experience has improved.
On the other hand, if one of two weapons, like the PPC, really was overpowered in elite play, what they do will show and influence the lower skills how to abuse the OP of that weapon.