Heavy Trial `mech Builds
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:33 AM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 384
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 28/29R
Center Torso: 39/43R
Right Torso: 28/29R
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 45
Right Leg: 45
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: LRM 10 + Artemis, DBL heat sink, BAP
Left Torso: Med LASER, 2x Jump Jets, DBL heat sink, 2x LRM ammo + Artemis
Center Torso: AMS Ammo
Right Torso: Med LASER, AMS, 2x Jump Jets, DBL heat sink, AMS ammo, LRM ammo + Artemis
Right Arm: LRM 15 + Artemis, DBL heat sink
Left Leg:
Right Leg:
Left Arm: 1 Missile
Left Torso: 1 Energy
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Missile
Internal Structure: Standard
Heat Sinks: 14 (double)
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:01 AM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Rating: 260
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 400
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 44/16
Center Torso: 66/18
Right Torso: 44/16
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 49
Right Leg: 49
Weapons & Equipment: 2x ER Large Laser, 2x UAC5 (4t ammo)
Head: --
Left Arm: ER Large Laser, DHS,
Left Torso: UAC5, Ammo(UAC5), DHS
Center Torso: 10xDHS (Engine), 2xAmmo(UAC5)
Right Torso: UAC5, Ammo(UAC5), DHS
Right Arm: ER Large Laser, DHS,
Left Leg:
Right Leg:
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Energy
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 14 Double
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
13.0t Engine + Gyro + Cockpit
0.0t requisite HS (if engine under 250)
0.0t Jump Jets
4.0t Heat Sinks
3.5t Endo-Steel Internal Structure
12.5t Armor (400)
28.0t Weapons
4.0t Ammo
0.0t Equipment
65 ton
This state of the art Catapult is designed to fast-track new pilots to the battlefield, shaving off years of training through “battlenomics” engineering. Extended range weaponry keeps new pilots out of harm’s way, while ER Lasers provide the perfect tracer for rapid fire Ultra Autocannons, guaranteeing dead-center-perfect shots. Speaking of which, these weapons may say Extended Range, but they are just as effective up close and personal, and 12.5 tons of battle-proven, combat ready, standard armor means this Catapult can take as good as it gives. Some detractors have stated the UAC5 is prone to jam and unsuitable for inexperienced pilots; we say a self clearing ammo feeder is the solution. In additional to self-clearing autocannons, our engineers have calculated the meantime to jam is synchronous with the ER Large Lasers beam duration, and the unjam time synchronizes with laser cooldown, and that is no accident. Evasion is critical to pilot success, and nothing makes pilots move for cover faster than a jammed weapon. This mech will teach situational awareness as pilots subconsciously learn when to take cover and when to take aim.
Edited by Agent 0 Fortune, 17 March 2013 - 04:30 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:41 AM
Catapult CPLT-A1
Tonnage: 65
Engine: STD
Rating: 315
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 412/422
Type: Ferrro - Fibrous
Head: 18/18
Left Arm: 40/40
Left Torso: 42/60
Left Torso Rear: 18/60
Center Torso: 66/84
Center Torso Rear: 32/84
Right Torso: 42/60
Right Torso Rear: 18/60
Right Arm: 40/40
Left Leg: 55/60
Right Leg: 55/60
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: /
Left Arm: 3 x Streak SRM 2
Left Torso: 1 x Jump Jets
Center Torso: Beagle Active Probe
Right Torso: Anti-Missle System / 2 x Jump Jets / Case / 1 Ton AMS Ammo / 1 Ton Streak SRM Ammo
Right Arm: 3 x Streak SRM 2
Left Leg: 2 x Streak SRM Ammo
Right Leg: 2 x Streak SRM Ammo
Left Arm: 3 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
People snigger and laugh at me in ECM heavy games...till the moment I get in/out of range, and one-shot them...suddenly quiet and crying because their Spider with ECM was just turned into a new-year celebration, fireworks an all.
Beside the fact that, if you are a new player, and the RANK system is working properly, this would serve as a great training-wheels attached Mech.
nferno_6 out /,,/.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:16 PM
Tonnage: 65
Max Engine Rating: 315
Left Arm:37
Left Torso:44front-16rear
Center Torso:62front-22rear
Right Torso:44front-16rear
Right Arm:37
Left Leg:20
Right Leg:20
Weapons & Equipment:4Mediumlaser,2LRM20+ARTEMIS,doubleheatsinks,Jumpjets 2/4,xlengine 260,ENDO-STEEL Structure
Left Arm:1x LRM20+ARTEMIS
Left Torso:5x LRMAMMO+ARTEMIS,1Jumpjet-ClassIII,1mediumlaser
Center Torso:xlengine260,2mediumlaser
Right Torso:5x LRMAMMO+ARTEMIS,1Jumpjet-ClassIII,1mediumlaser
Left Leg:EMPTY
Right Leg:EMPTY
Left Arm: 1 Missile
Left Torso: 1 Energy
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Missile
Internal Structure:
Heat Sinks:
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
Edited by Timboom, 17 March 2013 - 12:19 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:16 PM
Tonnage: 60
Engine: XL
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 360
Armor: 376
Type: Ferro Fibrous
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 41/15
Center Torso: 65/15
Right Torso: 41/15
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 43
Right Leg: 43
Weapons & Equipment: 2xAC5, PPC, Large Laser
Head: --
Left Arm: PPC, Large Laser
Left Torso: --
Center Torso: 11xDHS(Engine), 2x Ammo(AC5)
Right Torso: --
Right Arm: AC5, AC5
Left Leg: --
Right Leg: --
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Center Torso: 1 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Ballistic
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 11 Double
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
15.5t Engine + Gyro + Cockpit
0.0t requisite HS (if engine under 250)
0.0t Jump Jets
1.0t Heat Sinks
3.0t Endo-Steel Internal Structure
10.5t Ferro-Fibrous Armor (376)
28.0t Weapons
2.0t Ammo
0.0t Equipment
60 ton
Do you like big guns? Do you like big engines? And do you like the latest in cutting-edge technology? Then you are going to love this design. We pulled out all the stops on this Dragon, mounting not one, but two autocannons; and then paired them with a PPC and a Large Laser, and all in an agile 60 ton frame, and it was not easy fitting in all that firepower, but our engineers tackled that problem by incorporating ALL the latest light-weight technology. This mech moves like a medium chassis but hits like an assault, and with 10.5 tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor it will see you through the fiercest engagements. Discerning mechwarriors will appreciate the arm mounted weapons, allowing this model to fire from cover or elevation, minimizing an opponent’s effective response.
Edited by Agent 0 Fortune, 17 March 2013 - 12:52 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:20 PM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: Standard
Rating: 260
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 400
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 42/18
Center Torso: 60/24
Right Torso: 42/18
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 49
Right Leg: 49
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: -
Left Arm: ER PPC, 1xDHS
Left Torso: Medium Pulse Laser, Machine Gun, 3xDHS
Center Torso: -
Right Torso: Medium Pulse Laser, Machine Gun, AMS, 3xDHS
Right Arm: ER PPC, 1x DHS
Left Leg: 1 Ton Machine Gun Ammo
Right Leg: 1 Ton AMS Ammo
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Energy
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 18 Double Heat Sinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Uses all hardpoints, all slots, and all weight. Good sniper, and very capable brawler.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:22 PM
Tonnage: 69.2/70
Engine: XL Engine
Rating: 340
Max Engine Rating: 340
Armor: 434
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 44
Left Torso: 44/16
Center Torso: 72/16
Right Torso: 44/16
Right Arm: 44
Left Leg: 60
Right Leg: 60
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: PPC, Double Heat Sink
Left Torso: Engine, AMS, 2xDouble Heat Sink
Center Torso: Engine Heat Sinks 3 of 3, 2xAMS ammo
Right Torso: Engine, PPC, Double Heat Sink
Right Arm: PPC, Double Heat Sink
Left Leg:
Right Leg:
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 18 DBL Heat Sinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
FirePower: 30
Heat Efficiency: 1.39
Speed: 78.6
Weapon Group1 2xPPC in Arms
Weapon Group2 PPC in Torso
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:34 PM
Cataphract CTF-3D
Tonnage: 70
Max Engine Rating: 340
Left Arm:44
Left Torso:40/20
Center Torso:68/20
Right Torso:40/20
Right Arm:44
Left Leg:59
Right Leg:59
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: ER PPC, DHS
Left Torso: Large Laser 2x DHS
Center Torso: Standard 280 engine DHS(in engine)
Right Torso: LL 2xDHS
Right Arm:ER PPC DHS
Left Leg:
Right Leg:
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Arm: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Heat Sinks: 17
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0/4
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:29 PM
Tonnage: 60
Engine: XL
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 360
Armor: 368
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 40/15
Center Torso: 64/16
Right Torso: 40/15
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 40
Right Leg: 40
Weapons & Equipment: Gauss Rifle, ER PPC, TAG, 2xSSRM2
Head: Ammo(SSRM2)
Left Arm: TAG
Left Torso: ER PPC
Center Torso: 10xDHS(Engine), SSRM2, SSRM2
Right Torso: 3xAmmo(Gauss)
Right Arm: Gauss Rifle
Left Leg: --
Right Leg: --
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy
Center Torso: 2 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 2 Ballistic
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 10 Double
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
15.5t Engine + Gyro + Cockpit
0.0t requisite HS (if engine under 250)
0.0t Jump Jets
0.0t Heat Sinks
3.0t Endo-Steel Internal Structure
11.5t Armor (368)
25.0t Weapons
4.0t Ammo
1.0t Equipment
60 ton
Designed from the ground up as a Sniper/Counter-Sniper, this Dragon can quickly get into position and suppress or snipe enemy mechs. In the event that its position is overrun, it has the speed to evade heavier forces, and armor to ignore lighter mechs. “But what about ECM that disrupts my targeting and radar”, well our customer service team has heard you, and our engineers have the solution: TAG, usable at long and medium range for allied target designation, but for close range you can rely on your ER PPC to disable pesky scout ECM long enough to lock-on and destroy them with dual Streak SRM missile launchers. This model brings everything you need to a battle and nothing you don’t.
Edited by Agent 0 Fortune, 17 March 2013 - 01:40 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:38 PM
Tonnage: 60
Engine: XL
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 360
Armor: 400
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 40/16
Center Torso: 60/20
Right Torso: 40/16
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 55
Right Leg: 55
Weapons & Equipment: uAC5, erPPC, MLaser, 2x SSRM2, 15 DHS
Left Arm: erPPC
Left Torso: DHS, MLaser
Center Torso: SSRM2, SSRM2
Right Torso: DHS, DHS
Right Arm: Ultra AC/5
Left Leg: Streak SRM Ammo, Ultra AC/5 Ammo
Right Leg: Ultra AC/5 Ammo, Ultra AC/5 Ammo
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Center Torso: 1 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Ballistic
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Heat Sinks: 15 Double Heatsinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
smurfy link
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:40 PM
Tonnage: 70
Engine: XL
Rating: 340
Max Engine Rating: 340
Armor: 411
Type: Ferro-Fibrous
Head: 18
Left Arm: 44
Left Torso: 36/24
Center Torso: 53/35
Right Torso: 41/19
Right Arm: 44
Left Leg: 49
Right Leg: 49
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: Empty
Left Arm: 1xLarge Laser, 2xDHS
Left Torso: AMS, 1xMed Pulse Laser, C.A.S.E., 1xDHS, BAP, 1xAMS Ammo
Center Torso: 3xEngine DHS
Right Torso: 1xMed Pulse Laser, C.A.S.E., 1xDHS
Right Arm: 1xMed Pulse Laser, 1xLarge Laser, 1xDHS
Left Leg: Empty
Right Leg: Empty
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Internal Structure: Standart
Heat Sinks: 8 Double Heatsinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Speed: 78.6kph
Firepower: 36
Heat Efficiency: 1.29
Edited by avv123avv, 17 March 2013 - 01:44 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:00 PM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Rating: 310
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 416
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm:40
Left Torso: 40,20
Center Torso: 64,20
Right Torso: 40,20
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 57
Right Leg: 57
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: 1 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Left Arm: 3 X LRM 5 + Artemis IV
Left Torso: 2 X Jump Jets
Center Torso: XL Engine 310, 2 X Double Heat-sink, 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Right Torso: 2 X Jump Jets
Right Arm: 3 X LRM 5 + Artemis IV
Left Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Right Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Left Arm: 3 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 12 Double Heat-sink
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
Catapult CPLT-A1
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Rating: 200
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 416
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm:40
Left Torso: 40,20
Center Torso: 64,20
Right Torso: 40,20
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 57
Right Leg: 57
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: 1 X LRM Ammo
Left Arm: 2 X LRM 15
Left Torso: 2 X LRM Ammo, 1 X Double heat-sinks
Center Torso: XL Engine 200, 2 X LRM Ammo
Right Torso: 2 X LRM Ammo, 1 X Double heat-sinks
Right Arm: 2 X LRM 15
Left Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo
Right Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo
Left Arm: 3 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 10 Double Heat-sink
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
Catapult CPLT-A1
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Rating: 310
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 416
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm:40
Left Torso: 40,20
Center Torso: 64,20
Right Torso: 40,20
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 57
Right Leg: 57
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: 1 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Left Arm: 1 X LRM 15 + Artemis IV, 1 X LRM 10 + Artemis IV
Left Torso: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV, 1 X Double Heat-sink
Center Torso: XL Engine 200, 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Right Torso: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV, 1 X Double Heat-sink
Right Arm: 1 X LRM 15 + Artemis IV, 1 X LRM 10 + Artemis IV
Left Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Right Leg: 2 X LRM Ammo + Artemis IV
Left Arm: 3 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 10 Double Heat-sink
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4
Edited by IG 88, 17 March 2013 - 02:11 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:47 PM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: Standard
Rating: 260
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 412
Type: Ferro-Fibrous
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 45/15
Center Torso: 56/18
Right Torso: 45/15
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 55
Right Leg: 55
Weapons & Equipment: 2xLRM15-Artemis (6t ammo), 2xSSRM2 (1t ammo), Medium Laser, TAG, BAP, 2xCASE
Head: --
Left Arm: LRM15-Artemis, SSRM2
Left Torso: CASE, 3xAmmo(LRM-Artemis), BAP
Center Torso: 10xHS(Engine), TAG, Medium Laser
Right Torso: CASE, 3xAmmo(LRM-Artemis), Ammo(SSRM2)
Right Arm: LRM15-Artemis, SSRM2
Left Leg: --
Right Leg: --
Left Arm: 2 Missile
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 2 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 10 Single
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4 (0 of 4)
19.5t Engine + Gyro + Cockpit
0.0t requisite HS (if engine under 250)
0.0t Jump Jets
0.0t Heat Sinks
3.5t Endo-Steel Internal Structure
11.5t Ferro-Fibrous Armor (412)
20.0t Weapons
7.0t Ammo
3.5t Equipment
65 ton
Our customers demand the latest cutting edge technology, but no everyone can afford or needs some of the more expensive components. Our engineers have managed to eliminate the need for two of the most expensive upgrades without sacrificing any of the performance you have come to expect. Let me start with the key features: BAP for rapid target acquisition and extended sensor range, which pairs well with Artemis Fire Control system, but add in a TAG laser, and now you have unparalleled telemetry and targeting resolution. To take full advantage of all this targeting technology our designers used both long range and short range guided missile systems, that is right this model carries both LRM15 and Streak SRM2 launchers to hit them coming and going. Of course if your primary weapons systems are missiles you need to carry a lot of ammo, and that scares a lot of pilots. But not you, because have CASE to protect vital internal components (like the pilot) from ammo explosions. And remember those upgrades that were removed, well one of them was the ultra-expensive XL engine, the one component your CASE couldn’t protect, good thing you don’t have one of those. The other, double heat sinks, and unneeded expensive on a cool running missile mech like the Catapult.
Edited by Agent 0 Fortune, 18 March 2013 - 06:56 AM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:56 PM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: Standard
Rating: 260
Max Engine Rating: 315
Armor: 410
Type: Ferro-Fibrous
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 42/18
Center Torso: 62/22
Right Torso: 42/18
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 54
Right Leg: 54
Weapons & Equipment:
Left Arm: Medium Laser
Left Torso:Medium Laser, LB 10-X
Center Torso: STD Engine 260
Right Torso: Medium Laser, LB 10-X, Anti-Missile System
Right Arm: Medium Laser
Left Leg: 2 LB 10-X Ammo
Right Leg: LB 10-X Ammo, AMS Ammo
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic,
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Energy
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel Internal Structure
Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:30 PM
Tonnage: 65
Engine: XL
Max Engine Rating: 315
Left Arm:40
Left Torso:38
Center Torso:58
Right Torso:38
Right Arm:40
Left Leg:57
Right Leg:57
Weapons & Equipment:
Head:AMS Ammo
Left Arm: SRM6, DHS
Left Torso:ER PPC, 2xDHS
Center Torso: 2x Medium Laser, 2xDHS in Engine Slots
Right Torso: AMS, Large Laser, 2xDHS
Right Arm: SRM6
Left Leg: SRM Ammo
Right Leg:SRM Ammo
Left Arm: 1 Missile
Left Torso: 1 Energy
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Arm: 1 Missile
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 17x DHS
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 4

Edited by Megacolon, 18 March 2013 - 02:15 AM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:56 PM
Tonnage: 70
Engine: Standard
Rating: 255
Max Engine Rating: 255
Armor: 384
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 44
Left Torso: 42/18
Center Torso: 60/28
Right Torso: 42/18
Right Arm: 44
Left Leg: 35
Right Leg: 35
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: SRM 4
Left Arm: UAC 5, Machine Gun
Left Torso: CASE, 1 Ton Machine Gun Ammo, 3 Tons UAC5 Ammo, 1xDHS
Center Torso: 2x Medium Pulse Laser
Right Torso: 1xDHS
Right Arm: UAC5, Machine Gun
Left Leg: 2 Tons UAC5 Ammo
Right Leg: 1 Ton UAC5 Ammo, 1 Ton SRM Ammo
Head: 1 Missile
Left Arm: 2 Ballistic
Left Torso: 1 AMS
Center Torso: 2 Energy
Right Arm: 2 Ballistic
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Heat Sinks: 12 Double Heat Sinks
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:57 PM
Tonnage: 70
Engine: Standard
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 340
Armor: 368
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 44
Left Torso: 50
Center Torso: 70
Right Torso: 50
Right Arm: 44
Left Leg: 27
Right Leg: 27
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: 1x AC/10 Ammo
Left Arm: Meduim Laser
Left Torso: PPC, 2x DHS
Center Torso: 2x DHS in Engine
Right Torso: AC/10, 1x DHS
Right Arm: 2x Medium Laser
Left Leg: 1x AC/10 Ammo
Right Leg: 1x AC/10 Ammo
Left Arm: 1 Energy
Left Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS
Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 Ballistic
Right Arm: 2 Energy
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel
Heat Sinks: 15
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Reasoning behind the loadout:
I chose the 1X because it gives new players plenty of durability and keeps the weapon types down to only 2. From what I've heard from my friends who have tried to get into the game it can be very confusing to new players how Heat management works and how best to setup weapon grouping. This 1X loadout runs relatively cool so that new players aren't constantly overheating. My friends have told me it took time for them to get used to the small circle which is the arm weapon reticule so the big hitting weapons like the PPC and AC/10 are in the torsos. This also means they have a lower chance of losing their main damage dealers.
There is extra armor on the rear CT since most new players probably won't recognize very quickly when they are taking rear damage. It isn't very fast but it shouldn't feel completely like walking through mud. This loadout is designed specifically for new players without really worrying about min/maxing so that they can deal a good amount of damage while having some survivability.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:13 PM
RA: LRM 20 Artimis
LA: LRM 20 Artimis
CT 2x ML
Double Heat sinks
Endosteel internal structure
5 tons of LRM+ Artimis ammo 1 ton in LT and 2 tons in each leg.
XL 250 engine
H: 18
CT: 62
CTR: 22
RT: 44
RTR: 16
LT: 44
LTR: 16
LA: 40
RL: 41
LL: 41
I think this would be a good starter heavy as it keeps the spirit of the build intact but gives the benefit of artimis a heavier missile salvo and decent defense.
So this is my submission for a new starter heavy
Edited by Praetorians, 17 March 2013 - 05:15 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:40 PM
Tonnage: 60
Engine: XL
Rating: 300
Max Engine Rating: 360
Type: Standard
Head: 18
Left Arm: 40
Left Torso: 34/22
Center Torso: 56/24
Right Torso: 34/22
Right Arm: 40
Left Leg: 39
Right Leg: 39
Weapons & Equipment:
Head: AMS Ammo
Left Arm: 2x ERPPC
Left Torso: 2x DHS
Center Torso: SRM6, 2x Engine DHS
Right Torso: AMS, 2x DHS
Right Arm: 3x MG
Left Leg: MG Ammo, SRM Ammo
Right Leg: MG Ammo, SRM Ammo
Left Arm: 2 Energy
Center Torso: 1 Missile
Right Torso: 1 AMS
Right Arm: 3 Ballistic
Internal Structure: EndoSteel
Heat Sinks: Double
ECM Capable?: No
Max Jump Jets: 0
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:41 PM
Catapult CPLT-C1 Tonnage: 65 Engine: Std Rating: 260 Max Engine Rating: 315 Armor: 422 Type: Ferro-Fibrous Head: 18 Left Arm: 40 Left Torso: 45 / 15 Center Torso: 65 / 19 Right Torso: 45 / 15 Right Arm: 40 Left Leg: 60 Right Leg: 60 Weapons & Equipment: Two medium lasers; Two LRM-15s w/ Artemis Fire Control with five tons ammo; TAG; AMS with one ton ammo; CASE Head: One ton AMS ammo Left Arm: LRM-15 w/ Artemis Fire Control Left Torso: TAG; Two jump jets; One ton LRM ammo; CASE Center Torso: Two medium lasers Right Torso: AMS; Two jump jets Right Arm: LRM-15 w/ Atemis Fire Control Left Leg: Two tons LRM ammo Right Leg: Two tons LRM ammo Hardpoints: Left Arm: 1 Missile Left Torso: 1 Energy Center Torso: 2 Energy Right Torso: 1 Energy, 1 AMS Right Arm: 1 Missile Internal Structure: Endo-Steel Heat Sinks: 10 Double-Streangth ECM Capable?: No Max Jump Jets: 4
Edited by Goose, 17 March 2013 - 07:43 PM.
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