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Elo Issue? (Super High Elo Players)

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#201 boomboom517


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 05:57 PM

easy solution 2 catagories in mach maker elo and bv will balance the players and more importantly balance the mechs sort of but nothing perfect

#202 Crazy Billy Joe Bob


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:16 PM

ELO = Extra Lame Online

Yes, instead of making the teams somewhat even, PGI(Puttas Grande Inc) do not even try or give a F^(K to fix it something as critical as this.

#203 Caleb Lee


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 06:29 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 14 March 2013 - 08:37 AM, said:

Communicate. Be a team. Teamspeak or otherwise. You'll do better. Everyone will have more fun. Follow the plan even if you don't agree - sometimes you win anyway.

Yeah, you can't teach random people how to play the game. Especially when they tell you to f' off and then go get themselves killed.

This post may be old Ricey, but it's still true. I have no idea what my ELO is but can only assume it's in the top 20% based on my performance in almost every match, stats, and talking with others.

The problem is exaclty what the OP posted. I will win a round or two and then it's like I get saddled with complete incompetents as an effort to 'balance' things out and when you couple that with the fact I'm not running with the Templars anymore who are a good unit probably above average and our own unit which is about average.

Most of the time I'm on Commstar NA in Pugs... and whether it's my own unit or pugs, our little 3-4 man teams can't carry the field against 8 other average or better players.

ELO is pure crap as often we face huge tonnage imbalances, ECM is still broken etc... at least the old one we had a random chance of a decent team and we knew tonnage would be relatively close.

Edited by Caleb Lee, 25 March 2013 - 06:29 PM.

#204 Nightfire


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 07:46 PM

Please excuse the language but I feel it is warranted to get this through you skull and the skull of others like you!

View PostKell Draygo, on 14 March 2013 - 07:16 AM, said:

Pugstompers reap what they sow. The three or four man farmed like crazy for stats and c-bills. Now there is some sort of matchmaking in place, they get stomped. Very little sympathy here. A solution is to find more people to fill out your team.

View PostFrDrake, on 25 March 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:

@Nightfire - the goal of an Elo system is to place you in matches where you have a 50/50 chance of winning. You're claiming that your win rate of 75% isn't high enough for you.

The rest of your arguments are moot because you just don't like a challenge and would prefer to pubstomp all day.

First, you are an utter MORON! Nice strawman by the way.
You are assuming all sorts of things about me that are not in here, such that I absolutely MUST love to pugstomp. You obviously haven't searched my past posts to actually know my position on this such you can actually make such a statement. Your bridge is over yonder, go hide back under it!

The games I have with equally skilled players are awesome! I haven't said all my games are with underskilled pugs. I haven't even said a majority of them have been. I said that enough of them occur to ruin my enjoyment. You read into this your bias, "He's an admitted pre-made complaining about Elo. PUGSTOMPER! SUFFER!". So as I said your bridge, that way!

The bug in the Matchmaker is real. Just because your experience doesn't reflect it doesn't make it so. In previous threads I was told that I was the "only one with this experience so it must just be that I'm bad and my Elo score doesn't reflect my skill, play more!". Then another came forward so that became just the two of us that had to play more and our Elo score would settle and all would become well. Now there are many more of us who have this experience and still, we are told by some "it isn't Elo, it's all of you! You must be pugstomping farmers!". Surprise! It's not us, there is a problem and your rationalisation can't make it go away.

But let's say that I am. I'm a big, bad, evil pugstomper and I'm not playing anymore because I can't pugstomp! I'm also something else, I'm someone prepared to pay! Now perhaps there are more pugs than pre-made players prepared to pay, if so then I'm doomed to drift into obscurity as this becomes less and less a game I enjoy. But perhaps, just perhaps, those in pre-mades are likely to pay more for the right virtual goods and if they, like me, leave then that is revenue lost. PGI, being a business, is in this venture to remain profitable and if keeping the pugstompers ... sorry, the pre-mades happy continues to drive revenue then that is what will happen.

Even if that is pugstomping! I don't believe it is, I don't want to give the impression that all I want is to stomp the unskilled masses because it isn't. Denying the experiences of others because you despise them (pugstomping pre-mades) and their experience either doesn't align with yours (Elo is fantastic for me!) or perhaps even threatens yours (if you keep complaining about Elo they might take it away so shut up!) doesn't help any of us in the long run. I know far too many paying players that have left because of Elo matchmaking and the devs can track this.

I had more but I was running late for work and the forums cut of the last two thirds but that should cover most of it. If needed, I'll rework the debunking of the "pugstomper" shaming ad hominem later.

Edited by Nightfire, 26 March 2013 - 02:24 AM.

#205 MischiefSC


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 07:49 PM

View PostCaleb Lee, on 25 March 2013 - 06:29 PM, said:

Yeah, you can't teach random people how to play the game. Especially when they tell you to f' off and then go get themselves killed.

This post may be old Ricey, but it's still true. I have no idea what my ELO is but can only assume it's in the top 20% based on my performance in almost every match, stats, and talking with others.

The problem is exaclty what the OP posted. I will win a round or two and then it's like I get saddled with complete incompetents as an effort to 'balance' things out and when you couple that with the fact I'm not running with the Templars anymore who are a good unit probably above average and our own unit which is about average.

Most of the time I'm on Commstar NA in Pugs... and whether it's my own unit or pugs, our little 3-4 man teams can't carry the field against 8 other average or better players.

ELO is pure crap as often we face huge tonnage imbalances, ECM is still broken etc... at least the old one we had a random chance of a decent team and we knew tonnage would be relatively close.

So, you're of the opinion that in the new system you're LESS likely to drop with/against competent people? Or is it just that you feel Elo hates you and is more likely to put bad people with you and good people on the other team in spite of all statistical probability?

I get that you're frustrated. I know I get that way, I'm on the forum now because I've had like 5 or 6 games in a row with teams that were..... well, doing their level best to inhibit the team from winning.

It comes in waves though. Sometimes I have 10 or 20 straight games of amazing.

I suspect you're filtering. Unless you're losing 60 or 70% of your games then you're getting teamed with good folks half or more.

#206 SgtKinCaiD


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:15 AM

Same evening as yesterday, 15 matchs (8W / 7L), 12 matchs ended in roflstomp (8-0 / 8-1 / 8-2), 3 were actually interesting ...

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