What would be really nice is if you could view a record of matches, and your performance, in the Pilot Lab screen. A shot-by-shot record of successful hits on you and your opponent, and the damage done would be cool, but what I really want to see is a record of a few matches (at least 10 of your previous matches would be nice) that displays:
- Mech and loadout
- Total damage inflicted by you
- Shot accuracy
- Kills (and who/what mech)
- Assists
- Spotting
- Win/loss condition
- Damage inflicted on you
- Cause of death (if any, and by who/what mech)
- Who you played with and against
And lifetime totals of:
- Total kills
- Total deaths
- Total wins & losses
- Total accuracy
- Favorite mech
- Most effective weapon
Please please please, pretty please, this would be so nice and not to mention environmentally friendly as I don't want to have to buy a new notebook every 180 matches.
Edited by Egomane, 07 March 2013 - 12:42 AM.
Changed poll to follow the rules