Zero Neutral, on 14 March 2013 - 04:08 PM, said:
The extra time would only exist because of the same reason that the matchmaker currently broadens the search as time passes: lack of players of similar ELO levels.
Do you think the pool of players at various levels is large enough in a ~5-10 minute span of time that there would be a significant increase in match quality? Perhaps... but I sort of doubt it, because I don't think relative Elo ratings on their own is the problem.
Elo was designed for 1v1 competition, so the matchmaker is trying to match people 1v1. Adding a premade group to the queue wrecks the equation because 4 people that should be on opposite sides due to their (most likely) similar Elo ratings means that the aggregate Elo for the rest of the their team and the other team becomes a meaningless number.
IDK, maybe I'm having a little trouble explaining myself. Bottom line; the matchmaker needs to take groups into account instead of treating it the same as 2-4 individuals that can't be put on opposing sides. I don't think giving it more time to match people would fix any imbalance issues when the numbers themselves are being skewed by something that is essentially unmeasurable.
Edited by Warrax the Chaos Warrior, 14 March 2013 - 04:30 PM.