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Elo Is The Word

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Poll: ELO is he all that bad? (266 member(s) have cast votes)

is elo ruining you gaming experience?

  1. yes (57 votes [21.43%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.43%

  2. no (180 votes [67.67%])

    Percentage of vote: 67.67%

  3. haven't noticed really (29 votes [10.90%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.90%

is elo fair?

  1. yes (103 votes [38.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.72%

  2. no (89 votes [33.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.46%

  3. undecided (74 votes [27.82%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.82%

if answered no then how should it be developed?

  1. it needs more work regarding tonnage matching (89 votes [33.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 33.46%

  2. needs more work regarding BVs (28 votes [10.53%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.53%

  3. Holy expletative batman this elo was never needed and simply has to go! (19 votes [7.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.14%

  4. um... i voted yes elo is working as intended (95 votes [35.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 35.71%

  5. i'm as of yet not sure what should/could be done (35 votes [13.16%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.16%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#121 MischiefSC


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:30 AM

View PostAethon, on 15 March 2013 - 10:10 AM, said:

The thing you may not be aware of is that I never made up my mind about ELO until I started to see how it panned out...because I did not know what it was, and everyone on the forum hailed it as some sort of messiah that would save the game, etc. Then, after I posted about it on the forum here, people told me to wait a couple weeks, and that it would get better...but, day by day, my numbers are not changing. I thought they were when I had that one good day, but then it went right back to the way it was. I did not form my final opinion, *then* start counting up the numbers simply to confirm/deny my suspicions.

I also play about 15-20 matches per day, so the matchmaker/ELO system should have a pretty good record of me by this point, although I cannot speak for others.

After having read up on ELO, though, I still think it was a poor choice of action on PGI's part. Player-created lobbies, private matchmaking, new players only matching against other new players, etc. would have all been superior to the mess we have right now. It is a really bad idea to negatively impact the veteran players, just because the new players are getting stomped due to oversight on PGI's part (namely, the fact that the number of 4-man groups per side is not balanced).

here's the thing though. For your argument to be valid what has to happen is low Elo players dropped with high Elo players. I don't think that's happening. Statistically what's more likely is that the other team is just better coordinated and is using focused fire or brutal, well coordinated tactics to kill members of your team before they even had a chance.

I would bet cash money that all these complaints are coming from people actually playing with other people in and around their own Elo level, no huge disparity. They may be in off-variants, trying new things, pugging when they normally play in a premade or otherwise off their game. It happens to all of us. I normally kick a$$ in my D-DC but yesterday I got cored from behind by an A1 (where was my support guys? ;) I was in a premade even!) without doing a single point of damage. I'm sure the rest of the team looked at that and went 'Pfft. N00b! Go back to CoD!' even though normally I'm a strong team player and use my Atlas to support my team, bring ECM to LRM targets and brawl like I'm a drunken parent at a pee-wee hockey game.

View PostAethon, on 15 March 2013 - 10:18 AM, said:

I honestly cannot argue with what you have said in this post. It makes sense. I just wish others knew what they were talking about when they posted here. And, honestly, I like playing against good teams, as long as they are not abusing the most broken, cheesy builds in the game just to win every time (4 RVN-3L's and 4 LRM70 Stalkers, for example). Thank you for being clear, constructive, and not pointing at group players being the antichrist, like half the other posters on these forums, lol.

Still, working as intended or not, I believe ELO is counterproductive in MWO. In the same way that communism was supposed to divide everyone's money equally, instead of allowing one's hard work to allow them to prosper, ELO removes the rewards for playing well, since you will be put up against teams who are either in your ELO bracket and do nothing but cheese/exploit all day long, or people of a higher skill level who will bludgeon you back down to the previous bracket. This artificial regulation of your C-Bill/XP income and win/loss ratio makes the game feel pointless to me.

You know it's been a month since the premade vs pug forum wars but it's worth pointing out that I was always pro-premade. Just anti-pugstomper.

Without Elo though you're not going to create an effective path for player development. You need newer players playing with and against *slightly* better people *sometimes*. This helps them improve. You need to keep skilled players away from everyone else but not isolate them or they turn into an inbred mess.

Elo is a critical step towards CW and here is why. They've said that this is just one piece of the puzzle - what CW will do is use Elo bands to determine relative value of objectives. High Elo score gives high value objectives and allow people to move up into higher earning jobs against most skilled opponents and help prevent higher skilled players from farming lower level players and objectives for easy money.

Does that make sense?

Elo is not the destination but it's a critical piece of the puzzle to get CW going. You'll get your higher reward to match higher challenge games in time but for now the method of separating player skill bands needs worked, tested and polished.

Be patient.

#122 Aethon


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:36 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 15 March 2013 - 10:30 AM, said:

here's the thing though. For your argument to be valid what has to happen is low Elo players dropped with high Elo players. I don't think that's happening. Statistically what's more likely is that the other team is just better coordinated and is using focused fire or brutal, well coordinated tactics to kill members of your team before they even had a chance.

I would bet cash money that all these complaints are coming from people actually playing with other people in and around their own Elo level, no huge disparity. They may be in off-variants, trying new things, pugging when they normally play in a premade or otherwise off their game. It happens to all of us. I normally kick a$$ in my D-DC but yesterday I got cored from behind by an A1 (where was my support guys? ;) I was in a premade even!) without doing a single point of damage. I'm sure the rest of the team looked at that and went 'Pfft. N00b! Go back to CoD!' even though normally I'm a strong team player and use my Atlas to support my team, bring ECM to LRM targets and brawl like I'm a drunken parent at a pee-wee hockey game.

You know it's been a month since the premade vs pug forum wars but it's worth pointing out that I was always pro-premade. Just anti-pugstomper.

Without Elo though you're not going to create an effective path for player development. You need newer players playing with and against *slightly* better people *sometimes*. This helps them improve. You need to keep skilled players away from everyone else but not isolate them or they turn into an inbred mess.

Elo is a critical step towards CW and here is why. They've said that this is just one piece of the puzzle - what CW will do is use Elo bands to determine relative value of objectives. High Elo score gives high value objectives and allow people to move up into higher earning jobs against most skilled opponents and help prevent higher skilled players from farming lower level players and objectives for easy money.

Does that make sense?

Elo is not the destination but it's a critical piece of the puzzle to get CW going. You'll get your higher reward to match higher challenge games in time but for now the method of separating player skill bands needs worked, tested and polished.

Be patient.

If that is their plan, I think I need to take a year long vacation and come back when they have things sorted. The way the game plays right now is terrible, unless you are in 8-man drops...and in 8-man drops, you are restricted to one of 5-6 builds if you actually want to succeed, which makes those boring and repetitive.

#123 xZaOx


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:47 AM

How does ELO affect YOLO?

#124 Yokaiko


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:52 AM

View PostFerretGR, on 15 March 2013 - 10:22 AM, said:

Well, there will still be rewards when you play well and win. But there's more to this game than making virtual money and xp, IMHO: there's the motivation to succeed, and the intrinsic reward of how good it feels to achieve success in a hard-fought battle.

That I'm fine with, its getting derpped that ****** me off.

The issue being, ungrouped, I'm going to assume I'm being derped.

#125 Ghogiel


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 11:39 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 15 March 2013 - 10:07 AM, said:

Didn't I tell you? You were so dubious that it wasn't going to work. That people would find a way to exploit it. I also posted a whole thread about how the higher tier players would get frustrated about how every game would feel like 8-mans.

Now suddenly when you communicate with your fellow pugs they LISTEN. The other team isn't going to be drastically better than you. Some basic coordination and suddenly you're a killing machine.

I'm about 500 games at about a 1.5 win/loss and it's leveling off sharply. In some variants I'm down to a 1.0 in fact and games are getting *tough*. Loving Elo. Loving it deeply.

No. I told you. Your personal performance is diluted so far in an 8man team that it's power to win matches has very little ability to do solo.

Mean while, Anyone who premades for a particular match would eliminate 4 possible duds on their team, and their side would inherently have the advantage over other teams of PUGs anyway. One team is advantaged even if both teams have equal elo rating.

Bring 5-8, heck even 12 mans, back into the PUG queue for maximum gglolz (which I am all for)

Edited by Ghogiel, 15 March 2013 - 11:39 AM.

#126 Mechrophilia


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 06:05 PM

View PostYokaiko, on 15 March 2013 - 05:01 AM, said:

Tonnage disparity isn't a big deal...

Massive tonnage disparity may not be a big deal to *you*, but it is to most other people. And what if they camp near their base? (talking assault here).

#127 danust


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:52 PM

View PostThontor, on 15 March 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:

Elo doesn't have anything to do with either of those things, that is the matchmaker

Elo is just a tool the matchmaker uses.. It has no bearing on unevenly weighted teams or ECM.

The matchmaker doesn't care about ECM either, and it shouldn't.

ECM should be nerfed to the point it doesn't have any more effect on the outcome of a match than any other 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment. It shouldn't matter who has more ECM.

The second the matchmaker takes ECM into account is the second we say its ok for ECM to be overpowered.

Interesting. Can't argue with your points. "The second the matchmaker takes ECM into account is the second we say its ok for ECM to be overpowered." << That. For me it is the 1.5t 2 slot RVN-3L. ECM is needed in some form. 0 v 2-3 ECM (4.5t 6 slot) negates a lot of tonnage.

#128 Galenit


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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:07 AM

Battlevalue seems right to take into account in matchmaking.

I have never played the tabletop, but what i read until now it takes ecm and loadouts and heat and tonnage into the bracket.
And they should also take premadegroups intoaccount, just upping the bv of every player in the group by 0.05 for every player in the group, a 4man will have 1,2 times their normal battlevalue then.

This should balance a lot and it should work better with less players.
In the moment the matchmaker tries to match 35 tons to 35 tons, with bv it tries to match, as example, bv 1000 to bv 1000, bv 1000 can be reached by different mechchassis and weights.
Dont know the real bv-math, but lets say a light with all upgrades, heavy modules, ecm and a lot of other fancy things can reach bv 1000, a little upgraded medium with some toys can also have bv 1000 and the stock heavy has also bv 1000, now the matchmaker has more options to choose from then only by tonnage matching.

But please dont use the tt values for battle value, change some numbers, ecm is much better in mwo then in tt as example.

View PostThontor, on 15 March 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:

The second the matchmaker takes ECM into account is the second we say its ok for ECM to be overpowered.

With bv its just weighted like weapons, tonnage, heat values and other stuff.
And the devs have an easier way to balance it: Just changing the bv-factor of ecm ...

Edited by Galenit, 16 March 2013 - 03:15 AM.

#129 Strucker


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:36 PM

View PostThontor, on 15 March 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:

Elo doesn't have anything to do with either of those things, that is the matchmaker

Elo is just a tool the matchmaker uses.. It has no bearing on unevenly weighted teams or ECM.

The matchmaker doesn't care about ECM either, and it shouldn't.

So ELO is broken, Matchmaker is broken, and ECM is broken, lemme review my check list yep looks like we've got the trifecta of fail, though we could add lights and streaks just for the hell of it.

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