Royalewithcheese, on 17 March 2013 - 10:34 AM, said:
I'm not trying to flame your robots - I'm just wondering if part of the issue might be the configs.
I wasn`t assuming that, please excuse me if it came off that way. I just don`t see how builds that worked fine for me (and others, all of my builds are almost 1:1 to the ones in this thread, D and RS: )sould suddenly be the root of the issue, the same holds true for the playing style. Simply because the Buillds and playing style, whether proper or not, are CONSTANTS in the equation, simply because they are the exact same before and after. Same player, same builds, completely different experience, with other factors as stated in teh thread NOT being the same before and after. Basic troubleshooting dictates that when looking for the root of a problem, the most unlikely causes are the factors that remained unchanged /unaffected
I agree that it "could" be bad luck and that I just never noticed these factors before because it wasn`t happening in every match. But how insanely bad does your luck have to be for 130 matches to ALL be massively imbalanced to your disadvantage? Logical reasoning and knowledge of statistics says it can`t reasonably be that bad without outside influence, and that different playing times are having no noticable effect on the outcome, only on the wait times, which are shortest at around 3am local time (Central Europe).
Keep in mind that elo does try to balance by tonnage, so running in an Atlas increases the chance of the other team running an extra Stalker or Atlas, which means that you want to be able to compete with a strong build of one of those chassis.
That is however exactly what I`m questioning the functionality of. 200 ton + mismatches, in almost every match, with myself usually being the only assault on my team, against a minimum of 3 assaults, 2 of those almost always being D-DCs.
And to be honest, it does not really matter what build you`re running at the second when your team leaves you to be ravenfood out of fear, and the enemy`s 2 atlas "coincindentally" pop out of cover engage you at exactly that time. If you can get out 3 alpha strikes you can consider yourself very lucky, if you get out 4 or 5 you should be in a hall of fame somewhere
If you think it might be the configs, you don't have to work on it here if you don't want to. You can always post for suggestions on the Battlemechs board, which IMO is one of the most helpful boards on this forum.
thanks for the tip
It's possible this is just bad luck IMO. Or it might actually be something completely outside of gameplay - what's your framerate?
45 FpS both before and after the stompbaiting began. I bought a new chassis, not an older PC.
Deathlike, on 17 March 2013 - 10:39 AM, said:
And why does this thread belong here?
Ehm, let`s see.. becasue it`s a percieved GAME BALANCE issue? Is this not the Game Balance forum? *scratches head*
Sometimes it's the cfg, and sometimes its the execution of said cfg. We can't tell from just the description.
So what you`re essentially saying is that within the timeframe of 5 minutes I took to build a new chassis, I completely unlearned everything about how to play the build that was moderately successful for 300 matches before that and now have a completely different playing style that warrants my numbers dropping into the Abyss in the fashion described, even though I`mow pushing 70% average accuracy with the same weapons that were working fine when I was only hitting 49% of the time? It cannot possibly have anything to do with consistently being dropped into heavily tonnnage and ECM mismatched encounters against 4+ founders from the same house for days at a time? Possible, But I have a hard time believing it's feasibility as the basic premise of someone permanently becoming an ***** and forgetting everything in seconds without outside stimuli is somewhat preposterous in this dimension. Then again, alien abductions ARE supposedly possible, and who knows what goes on up there...
So I either didn`t or somehow forgot that a random team of 3 trial hunchbacks, 2 trial commandos, a disconnected Trebuchetand an Atlas D or RS were an ideally matched opponent for 2 atlas D-DCs and a K ,2 3Ls, a Splatcat, a LRM Stalker and a Pretty baby, of which 4 are likely a premade team.
OK, I can live with that explanation, sorry for wasting your time.
What`s possibly worth noting is that in the rare occasion that a match gets made in the first 30 seconds or so, the match is generally a more or less fair fight (except for the low gauss shots to the groin
). I know there`s some sort of cutoff where ELO gets wider or some other system kicks in or tobehonestIreallycouldn`TcarelessbecauseI`mherasatesternotadeveloper. That could be tied to the issue in some way.
It`s probably a combination of factors, but it`s not exactly motivating to come back after a long hiatus, have the feeling that you still know halfway what you`re doing, have the numbers say "Yes, you do, there are worse pilots out there" for 300 matchs, andf then suddenly get drowned in icewater every 5 minutes like the useless n00b that everthing pointed to you not being.
Therefore the ONLY logical explanation I have for it is that I somehow jumped some sort of bracket either up or down and the game now considers me either good enough to take on a whole lance alone regardless of how often I lose, so 200 tons more is no problem. Or to be so absolutely useless that I may as well be target practice for a premade ECM assault lance that has nothing better to do.
*Edit* I did not see the ELO thread in the patch forum before starting this. I will follow that one very closely, as I am most obviouslly NOT the only one getting royally screwed in exactly this fashion by the current system
Edited by Zerberus, 17 March 2013 - 02:36 PM.