Time For Clans To Be Given Their Own Server
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:29 AM
I'm sure the producers of MWO want thousands, if not millions, of players to enjoy MWO. Throwing eight novice players into a round of combat with an experienced clan of eight battle-hardened players will result in nothing less than brief, disappointing, and landslide losses; over and over again.
This is not the experience the majority of non-clan players look forward to when sci-fi gaming; or are willing to pay cash for.
Allow the enthusiastic, organized and efficient clans to battle groups like themselves on their own servers. Regular players can follow their favorite teams with interest.
It is not realistic, however, to expect the thousands/millions of non-clan subscribers to continue returning to the same drumming of defeat just to feed clans easy kills.
Just an observation, and something the MWO producers should prepare for.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:44 AM
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:02 PM
Pando, on 17 March 2013 - 06:44 AM, said:
You could have linked the relevant topics from your post.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:37 PM
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:34 PM
I think the answer is kinda like the OP says, what I suggest is having two seperate ques. One que for solo/casual droppers and the other for premade teams of any number, 2, 3, 4 etc would all drop in this que. This would put an end to roflstomping etc.
And to those that say they would get tired of getting rolled in the Premade que and want it back the way it is now, I use the same thing they tell pugs. If the premade/competitive team que is to difficult/frustrating for you then get off teamspeak, leave your unit and drop solo in solo que.
My two cents and I am sure the teams that like farming pugs will flame me but to me it makes sense to have casuals playing against one another and organized teams playing against other organized teams.
Flame on
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:51 PM
krash27, on 17 March 2013 - 01:34 PM, said:
I think the answer is kinda like the OP says, what I suggest is having two seperate ques. One que for solo/casual droppers and the other for premade teams of any number, 2, 3, 4 etc would all drop in this que. This would put an end to roflstomping etc.
And to those that say they would get tired of getting rolled in the Premade que and want it back the way it is now, I use the same thing they tell pugs. If the premade/competitive team que is to difficult/frustrating for you then get off teamspeak, leave your unit and drop solo in solo que.
My two cents and I am sure the teams that like farming pugs will flame me but to me it makes sense to have casuals playing against one another and organized teams playing against other organized teams.
Flame on
This. A million times THIS!
No need for a separate server, just have a group queue and a solo queue.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:58 PM
ULFHRAFN, on 17 March 2013 - 06:29 AM, said:
...and it is realistic to give bloody gaming clubs their own servers paid for by all those non-clan subscribers' purchases?

Entitled much?
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:00 PM
I understand that "Clan" sounds cooler than "Merccorp" and all, but this game has pretty clear lore as to what a "Clan" is, and they haven't been introduced to the game yet.
But Aside from that , I actually like to drop against pre-mades as a pug, as its more of a challenge. And I get more satisfaction in winning against them than I do a bunch of Lone Wolves. But I'm probably in the minority when it comes to that.
8 man teams already have their own queue, but 4 mans do indeed drop against the pug queue,and unless I'm wrong Pre-mades can only drop in groups of 4 or 8. Now people do try to sync drop in other numbers, but its unreliable, as they dont always get in the same team/match together.
Edited by Red3, 17 March 2013 - 04:17 PM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:20 PM
Pando, on 17 March 2013 - 06:44 AM, said:
No thanks.
I said just what I wanted to say, right where I wanted to say it.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:12 PM
I think you seriously need to separate your fiction from non-fiction. MWO is a fantasy universe and anyone can be in any clan or any other group.
As for the rest, not true. Sync dropping is fairly easy and reliable.
Europe and Asia need servers to level the ping discrepancy. EU people get 100-200 greater ping while those in the pacific rim area get 200-300 greater ping then their US/Canadian competitors. Really sucks.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:28 PM
I don't know if the game has enough people on all the time, to make it possible as well.
It has a good player base but there have been nights, when I simply cannot find a 4/8 man "premade" fight..
Posted 18 March 2013 - 01:31 AM
ULFHRAFN, on 17 March 2013 - 05:20 PM, said:
No thanks.
I said just what I wanted to say, right where I wanted to say it.
Oh, so what you're say is that you are perfectly happy having a post, which makes little to no sense due to the fact that it is flagrantly ignorant about how MWO sets up games. I can respect that you're sticking to your guns no matter what reality is, and you're so willing to let your obstinate ignorance show for the world of MWO to see and judge you by.
Your complaint about clans dropping is a non-issue in that noobs don't drop against them. I know this from experience when I started to use my first heavy and had an ELO reset to neutral for that class.
Now, whether or not the matchmaker algorithms actually produces the results it should, is another question entirely, but your statements have no relevance to this issue.
I personally solo pug, and I enjoy the well co-ordinated teams I drop into, and having opponents, who are just as coordinated, and I'd prefer not being shuffled off to play with noobs just because I don't have a group to drop with.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:31 AM
Neolisk, on 17 March 2013 - 12:02 PM, said:
I was posting from my cell-phone using the interwebs, it was a little more difficult than that normally I would have linked.
ULFHRAFN, on 17 March 2013 - 05:20 PM, said:
No thanks.
I said just what I wanted to say, right where I wanted to say it.
I see. Commonly people speak without thinking. Commonly people formulate opinions on things ignorant of how said things work. I expect no less from you.
ohtochooseaname, on 18 March 2013 - 01:31 AM, said:
Oh, so what you're say is that you are perfectly happy having a post, which makes little to no sense due to the fact that it is flagrantly ignorant about how MWO sets up games. I can respect that you're sticking to your guns no matter what reality is, and you're so willing to let your obstinate ignorance show for the world of MWO to see and judge you by.
Your complaint about clans dropping is a non-issue in that noobs don't drop against them. I know this from experience when I started to use my first heavy and had an ELO reset to neutral for that class.
Now, whether or not the matchmaker algorithms actually produces the results it should, is another question entirely, but your statements have no relevance to this issue.
I personally solo pug, and I enjoy the well co-ordinated teams I drop into, and having opponents, who are just as coordinated, and I'd prefer not being shuffled off to play with noobs just because I don't have a group to drop with.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:51 AM
ohtochooseaname, on 18 March 2013 - 01:31 AM, said:
Oh, so what you're say is that you are perfectly happy having a post, which makes little to no sense due to the fact that it is flagrantly ignorant about how MWO sets up games. I can respect that you're sticking to your guns no matter what reality is, and you're so willing to let your obstinate ignorance show for the world of MWO to see and judge you by.
Your complaint about clans dropping is a non-issue in that noobs don't drop against them. I know this from experience when I started to use my first heavy and had an ELO reset to neutral for that class.
Now, whether or not the matchmaker algorithms actually produces the results it should, is another question entirely, but your statements have no relevance to this issue.
I personally solo pug, and I enjoy the well co-ordinated teams I drop into, and having opponents, who are just as coordinated, and I'd prefer not being shuffled off to play with noobs just because I don't have a group to drop with.
Thank you.
Now, for the OP, Pre-mades or "Clans" as you refer to them in 8v8 drop against other pre-made 8v8. In the <4 groups yes, they can drop against 8 random PUGs, but success isn't guaranteed as the team is only as successful as the 4 on it who aren't in the group. If you have a couple Leroy Jenkins on the team, things go bad for the pre-made pretty quick.
Sync dropping while easy, isn't consistent and yes, the other pre-made has just as good of a chance ending up on the other side, or even in a different drop. Some times it looks like there is a sync drop going on, but not everyone who wears a faction tag has joined the main community body for that faction, and some Houses even have multiple communities in them. I've been in several drops where our 4 man House Marik team had a couple extra Marik's on it (making 6 Mariks total) who weren't part of our community (or even knew about it).
So, do the Houses, Clans and Merccorps need their own server? No.
Edited by Roadbeer, 18 March 2013 - 09:01 AM.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:38 PM
At some point, MWO will lose more players than they gain due to "clans" having to feel indominable.
Separate clan players from subscribers who want to enjoy the game.
Let's see if clans can take what they like to dish out.
Observing the conceit and patronization in the above posts, I doubt they can.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:42 PM
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:47 PM
ULFHRAFN, on 17 March 2013 - 06:29 AM, said:
I'm sure the producers of MWO want thousands, if not millions, of players to enjoy MWO. Throwing eight novice players into a round of combat with an experienced clan of eight battle-hardened players will result in nothing less than brief, disappointing, and landslide losses; over and over again.
This is not the experience the majority of non-clan players look forward to when sci-fi gaming; or are willing to pay cash for.
Allow the enthusiastic, organized and efficient clans to battle groups like themselves on their own servers. Regular players can follow their favorite teams with interest.
It is not realistic, however, to expect the thousands/millions of non-clan subscribers to continue returning to the same drumming of defeat just to feed clans easy kills.
Just an observation, and something the MWO producers should prepare for.
That's not how current games work, nor enough people to make it work.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:53 PM
full 8v8 only works if there are other 8 man teams avail. Otherwise mm fails to find a match.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 01:38 PM
ULFHRAFN, on 18 March 2013 - 12:38 PM, said:
Or...it is much more likely that 8 novices went up against 8 other novices and stomped them. Novice matches are frequently stomp fests because everybody charges at each other. When this happens, one side with have their first 1-2 get insta-gibbed, and then the disparity will cause the other side to get stomped. My guess is that you think the other side is a "clan" simply because you got creamed, when in fact, it is almost always not.
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