I'm Starting To Join In With Those Having Doubts Of The Future..
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:56 AM
PGI could put an end to the discussion of OP Mechs or weapons by simply posting stats and/or graphs of Mechs, weapons, modules etc. Then we could see how it distributes across the board, from the source.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:57 AM
The devs DO listen.. There are some issues to be ironed out as far as competitive play but in that case you are dealing with a group of people who would exploit their grandmothers to win.. THis is no lie. Every cheese tactic is fair game to I dare say a majority of the competitive crowd.. They talk about balancing for top elo yet offer no solutions. That is the mindset the devs HAVE to have in order toproperly deal with balance.
In game voip and lobby makes the game instantly better by an order of magnitude.
But , all things aside, as a pug with giant robots in my veins, I am happy, nay, very happy with most of the battlefield immersion.
I can only assume it will get even better.. Collisions? dfa? etc, the immersion of the controls and characteristics of the weapons is satisfying for me.. As i said,, only get better.. Imagine, a viable lbx10.. ANyways.. when I sit down for my sunday night mech fest, I have a GREAT time.. I can only imagine how amazing the game is on a good system, a lil 3 monitor action, full hotas<working>. I mean thats something I would play for .. well . forever...
Seriously.. Mechwarrior , there is no substitute..
I mean , op , hawken? no one in their right mind takes that game seriously.. Just look at their boards.. No action.. THat game though not "bad" is just hype ..
we got mechs...
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:58 AM
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:58 AM
I'd also like to add that the recent information black out has been excruciating I have NO IDEA what the future of this game is after the next 2 months. I pray they're going to drop a huge content bomb on us with the Clans and CW...but I'm affraid I might be expecting too much.
Last thought: Balancing. I agree that balancing in MWO is painfully slow. I don't understand why it takes (literally) months for some fixes to roll out. I wish the turnarounds were a bit quicker on this.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:01 AM
F lan Ker, on 19 March 2013 - 08:56 AM, said:
PGI could put an end to the discussion of OP Mechs or weapons by simply posting stats and/or graphs of Mechs, weapons, modules etc. Then we could see how it distributes across the board, from the source.
That only tells you how the average player does in that mech.
I bet if you adjust that K/D figure he gave for ELO the difference is much more severe.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:03 AM
AlexEss, on 19 March 2013 - 07:43 AM, said:
Hawken (i asume that is what you are talking about) is a mech game in name only... every thing in that game seems to behaves like every other shooter ever made. it is UT with some better graphics. Not saying it is bad game. Just a very different game.
WoT does have about two.. maybe three years of development on MW:O (if we are to follow standard development times) and then two years "in the wild" so even if we count conservative WoT have a three year headstart
I have no clue what the aeroplane game is...
So i am still not worried, would it have been smart from a PR/Burnout angle to not release the game until it had another year in development... perhaps. Is the game in danger of being turned over dead.. nope. This game will remain a small game with a very loyal core and a fairly large pool of people coming and going.
At least that is my take on it.
Hawken is faster than MWO, but it definitely feels like a mech game to me. I think it would also be much more popular than MWO if it had a good license going for it, because it feels very feature rich in a way MWO does not.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:07 AM
• Players with issues to point out should BE PATIENT. Since you are privy to the secret and arcane sorceries of code, you should know that devs have a punch list to work down, sorted by priority. Priority #1 is usually a stable product. I would say that MWO is pretty stable. In general. See, I code too.
• I think that the game has larger issues at hand than some balancing, so see above. The devs need to put a hook in the game to keep new players coming and old player playing.
• That players should not point out things that bother them. But see above.
• That PGI is the best ever! They have LOTS of work to do.
I especially like your little sentence about pay-to-play übermechs, and how you asked me if I was insane. I tend to save the term "insane" for like, crazy people n' stuff. You know, real-life stuff. You care too much bro. Lay down for a while, or call your mom or something.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:08 AM
Edited by armyof1, 19 March 2013 - 09:08 AM.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:16 AM
zverofaust, on 19 March 2013 - 07:54 AM, said:
They have put together quite a wonderful and well-done package of code and art and created a stable game.
when was it that they did a well-done package of code? it's been almost 6 months for then to roll out HALF a netcode fix, game is still filled with bugs, thermal mode is basically the ONLY vision mode you need to win regardless of where you are (hope to see this fixed today), and its almost impossible to hit anything if you are using an arm mounted ballistic (unless you and the target are on the same straight line), ravens and cents have triple the ammount of armor they should thanks to bugs on hitboxes detection while a commando last for 5 seconds if its ecm is countered cause he takes 5 to 7 times the damage of a streak or srm due to same hitbox detection sistem thet bleeds additional damage on the mech sides.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
sorry dude for now i'll only agree in the art department
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:24 AM
AlexEss, on 19 March 2013 - 07:54 AM, said:
Not to doubt you in any way... Nor belittle your effort but seeing as the blizzard devs did all the heavy lifting for you i have a hard time seeing what this has to do with anything... Ofc a TC or a mod is easier to make then a full game because you build on a working foundation (and if you start messing with said foundation you will run in to problems)
But then again... desktop devs knows best i guess?
MWO is built on an existing game engine so there was no foundation to create.... only an engine to mod. No excuses.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:25 AM
It has 56 maps to start with. Like what? 56 freaking maps.
Faction wars, 3 factions with a reset after 3 months.
10 players for each team. 20 people all in all.
You can always pick a proper mech, or make final adjustments to your mech, before you play this map.
Sounds too good to be true? It's going to launch this fall. The name is Armored Core: Verdict Day. The best way to describe this is Armored Core V meets Chromehounds. Not a problem for me --- I played both, so its familiar territory. Maybe I hope to see some old AC and CH players. ACV already has a working faction system with its online mode. Armored Core have every right to rip off the faction system off from Chromehounds --- both are from the same developers. The same people who did Dark Souls. Which worries me a bit --- FROM's idea of gaming can be a bit hard core and unforgiving.
But anyway. I am not going to compare AC gameplay vs. BT, as AC gameplay feels a lot more like Gundams or Macross. Which is to say, quite a bit swift and aerial. No, It's about the 56 freaking maps. It's about a working and proven faction system that has been play tested and best of all, a reality. It's about people who actually did a job done, instead of dreaming and promising about it. I remember playing Chromehounds, and the thought that came to my mind, what if these guys were contracted to do the Mechwarrior franchise instead. It's tragic they weren't.
Another mech game also has my attention. As one who enjoyed playing and collecting MW Dark Age and Age of Destruction, and spent a large fortune on these, Mechwarrior Tactics sounds too good to be true. It's in closed beta right now, but I get a feeling it won't be long before it hits open beta.
Both these games got my attention, and I hope to play both later the year. Hoping I will still keep playing MWO too. But really, I hope some big changes and additions will come between today and this fall, and I don't mean a new map and a new mech each month because that sounds to me, awfully lazy.
Edited by Anjian, 19 March 2013 - 09:27 AM.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:26 AM

Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:29 AM
Innokenti, on 19 March 2013 - 08:25 AM, said:
Second: The OP brought up the lack of a hook, and the grognards came out of the woodwork griping about their pet issues. Thus, the lead was buried. I think the OP is on to something. This game needs a hook. It needs more than just mechs just blowing the hell out of each other - it needs Community Warfare, it needs continuity, it needs something. I want to join a faction, get some sort of assignment, and then drop into combat and attack or defend or whatever.
My Spider needs something more to do than to dart around and shoot stuff. Give me an objective to pick up! If not, why do I have hand actuators?!? I want my lack of firepower to mean something. I want diverse opportunities to serve.
And you sir are a golden apologist..... and the very reason the game is in the poor state it is. Be gone with you.
KingCobra, on 19 March 2013 - 09:26 AM, said:

How many table top nerds in this forum just downloaded this for wanking purposes? lol
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:38 AM
BLOODREDSINGLE, on 19 March 2013 - 09:29 AM, said:
How many table top nerds in this forum just downloaded this for wanking purposes? lol
Well I would rather have flair and fab than boring but im not Canadian so if I was I would put this on a stand for a cockpit item maybe they consider it fab? -->

Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:39 AM
MN03, on 19 March 2013 - 07:49 AM, said:
well back in early beta "no one" was willing to even use the ""A-1""

i set it up w/6xstreak-2's,4 jj's, ams,and 99.8kph after speed tweak then every one was like"wow" whats that your runnning as i farmed "guas-a-polts" left and rite

and back then it was redreapers and guas-a-polts that was the ""cheese biulds""

oh yaeh and the"dreaded" flaming reaper

todays"'cheese biulds are tomorows outdated biulds

funny tho you dont count getting insta headshotted by wack-a-polts as cheese biulds

time will leave these biulds behind trust me no one plays a streakcat any more as ecm fixed"that cheese biuld"

Edited by HANGMAN1962, 19 March 2013 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:46 AM
[color=#959595]Second: The OP brought up the lack of a hook, and the grognards came out of the woodwork griping about their pet issues. Thus, the lead was buried. I think the OP is on to something. This game needs a hook. It needs more than just mechs just blowing the hell out of each other - it needs Community Warfare, it needs continuity, it needs[/color]something[color=#959595]. I want to join a faction, get some sort of assignment, and then drop into combat and attack or defend or whatever.[/color]
[color=#959595]My Spider needs something more to do than to dart around and shoot stuff. Give me an objective to pick up! If not, why do I have hand actuators?!? I want my lack of firepower to mean something. I want diverse opportunities to serve.[/color]
Pretty much this. Game is Deathmatch only. Getting old. No sweeping feel to it, stockpiling supplies, achieving various objectives, and actually fighting wars instead of just quick skirmishes. Deathmatch is fine for awhile, but doesn't have any long holding power. And honestly I don't see CW doing much besides adding in a couple sliders relating to various factions. Gee Kurita has 5% more wins this week, wow, so exciting.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:51 AM
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:54 AM
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