So I installed MW:O over a month ago, played one match and never played it again, until a week or so ago when I decided to check it out again.
The reason I quit after that first match was because it was so overhelming, you log in and bam, there you are, no idea what to do or what not to do.
I know it's a beta, but some pop-up tips and tricks would be neat, some help until you configured your first own mech etc! I'm sure it's coming tough.
But after giving MWO some more playtime I actually enjoyed it when I got the hang of it, tough descriptions of items could need an improvement.
But, here's some major ideas I've been wishing the game had:
1. A "ready"-room before you get dropped into battle, with some inspiration from Leauge of legends maybe?
You get to pick mechs in turns, and you'll be able to counterpick the enemy team also, you'll not see the specific hardpoint-setups the enemy team is picking, but you'll see what type of mech they choose (Atlas, Stalker, Cicada, etc)
Sure some people only play 1 mech 24/7, but other people have a lot of mechs and setups, and this will help them to adapt to the other players picks for more teamwork.
And the team can also make some kind of planning before the match starts. (You'll see what map you'll be playing etc.)
2. Make mechs even more customizable, removing and adding hardpoints all togheter(some limitations of course)
3. Make the map easier to use and see whats what, you need to get a lot of information in a short amount of time, or you'll risk loosing because ur sitting and staring at the map. Zoom options etc would be cool.
And one other thing I would like to see is to make mechs more dependent on eachother and more suitable for teamwork.
Just to grab some things from the top of my head, a bulky slow mech(atlas?) could act as a "tank", which will make LRM missiles change target if he's close and attract them instead, one mech could be more supportive, which boosts radar coverage, lock on timers, having anti missile systems shooting down some missiles(instead of attracting them as the "tank-mech" would), having ECM, etc etc.
thats just some possible stuff, even more is possible, this could also make the game even more "realistic" by making LRM and other weapons do a lot more damage to mechs not designed to take a lot of damage (as it is right now a "normal" mech can eat 100 missiles before falling down ;|), this would also force teamwork and smart picks.
Well, thats all I can come up with now, but thanks for reading a rookies toughts. :-D

A Rookies Toughts.
Started by a random player, Mar 19 2013 10:08 AM
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