This thread is now about the AoC unit
because it was requested
and in no way to self aggrandize:
This has been transplanted from it's original home
on the moonbreakers community forum
in the hopes it will find and enlighten
a new audience with it's greatness.
First about me :
If you don't know how awesome it is to know me it is my sacred duty nay obligation to remedy that so that your day will be brighter and your life better just for basking in the glory that is me. Also my ideas are great and I'm good for a laugh, It's all in my book Awesomeness: The Epic True Story of Awesomeability and You - The Agent of Change Saga.
Now as that blurb might imply i'm great, but I would like you to know I am (there's no need to imply), and that my good forumites is the basis of the Aoc Unit ©.
Some examples:
- A Tsunami (awe inspiring is it not) would rate At least 3-4 AoC Units ©
- A Person of equivalent inherent awesomeness would be 1 AoC ©, where as an Epicly great person (Achilles for example) might rate 2 AoC units ©.
- A pie depending on your hunger and the quality of said pie would likely rate anywhere from .2 - 1.3 AoC units ©
Now I spoke of a negative corollary, this is important because the AoC Unit © is too Awesome to ever be used in a negative way. Which is why we (and by we i mean me and Mc.Muffin [credit where credit is due]) have developed the ZaB Unit ©. Some background:
No No There I was. There I was: So I, myself, was flying incognito so as to generously shield the other pilots from the nuke like flare of my amazingment. Anyway Cpl. McMuffin (the tastiest pilot) was there with me on my team. And who should appear in the lobby but [redacted] (Boo hisss) detested detestee of all who detest things that should be detested (hey he's a [richard] I make no apologies), and he's on the other team in a CA (carrier assault). Making it my new job in life to ruin his day I hover over my carrier and swat him 3-4 times in a row (without taking a hit)... following the last explosion the villain quits the match. Cries I "What a [Female Dog]!", questions tasty muffin man "who?", clarifies I "Why [redacted] of course". 3 minutes later [redacted] appears back in game and so I resume my position above the carrier and events conspire similarly again 3-4 sequential swats and a rage quit. "Twice, two rage quits, [redacted] remains a [Female Dog]!" says I, the good corporal asks "again?" says I to the young breakfast sandwich "yes". A number of minutes later A wild [redacted] appears! I resume my [redacted] swatting post in he comes guns blazing, i jink and smoke him with righteous missiles and guns....and before the smoke is even clear "[redacted] has left the game" appears before my eyes for a third time in a single game. "Three times... [redacted]s a [Femal Dog]!" exclaims our hero. The cheeseless bacon vehicle asks "so is that like the opposite of an AoC unit?", struck by the genius of the militant snack food I confirm... "Yes...yes it is."
This actually happened but the dialogue may have been modified due to an imperfect memory... or because it's more awesome... you know what you can't judge me shut up and read my thing.
And so the birth of the ZaB unit ©:
Some Examples:
- The aftermath of a 3-4 AoC Unit © Tsunami = 7+ ZaB Units ©
- Stepping in dog crap in new shoes = .5 ZaB Unit ©
Some editing has happened due to an overabundance of caution regarding name and shame.