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Mwo Short Stories

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#1 Denolven


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:49 AM

Hi fellow pilots o/

Aside from all the whine that is going on all the time, I want to contribute something more lightweight.
Post your everyday MWO short story here and have some fun B)
Oh, and please keep it REALLY short. My entry:

Played two games today before going to work. Wanted to start the day with giant robots and lasers, because who doesn't, right? :D
So first game, we had no lights, they had 4 or 5. Conquest (not that it did matter at this point).
Second game, we had no lights, they had two COM-2D and two RVN-3L, conquest again.

You know what happened, we all know. So wasn't that a great way to start the day? I felt personally trolled. :)

#2 Faithsfall


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 02:53 AM

Just played a game with a odd dmg list.

My team.
1: me 327dmg
2: 90
3: 70
4: 25
5: 7
6: 10
7: 8
8: 0

No afk, even afterwards the opposite team were asking wtf happened?

I just had to smile and hope i don't see scores like that again for a while.

#3 l33tworks


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:31 AM

Clicked Launch. CTD. The end.

Too short?

#4 Sougard


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:01 AM

Caustic. Enemy team is mostly trebuchets.
Teammates drop one by one. Three vs seven left. Their lrm stalker disconnects.
The three of us roll their team.

River City Night assault. We go upper, they go lower. They outcap. GG WP.

In my gauss jager I duel AC20 jager. I torso twist better, he dies.
A damaged hunchback with a large laser in left arm kills me.

#5 Onmyoudo


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:11 AM

Pilot a 4P, laser backsides for top scores. Nobody shoots the Hunchback any more.

#6 Forestal


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 01:37 AM

Actually wanted to post this anecdote in the "srms' been nerfed" thread, but a little duplicate posting should be alright:

Had a centurion try to face-hug (60m-70m) and alpha-strike me to death with srms-- probably because he saw that I was boating lrms-- until he overheated and shut down, while I basically used my miserable "backup/reserve" medium lasers to head-shot him to death (not "one-shot", but "many shots").

Poor thing was probably so "hooked" on Alpha-strikes that he couldn't believe what was happening-- cos everytime he cooled down, he simply stood there and launched another alpha-strike at me-- without realizing that I had allocate most of my armor to the front, just so I can at least "tank" a few alpha-strikes...

Wasn't even worried for a second, cos I was TAG-ging the centurion at the same time and my team-mates soon came lasers blazing-- so that he continued to stay over-heated.

#7 Forestal


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 01:59 AM

Not to hijack this thread or anything (I don't play often enough to have that many lol stories), but here's another one:

Drew a Tourmaline Desert "Assault" match and decided to do base defence instead of running off with the rest of my team...

Only 1 enemy mech ever came close (if 1000m can be considered "close") and I started launching LRMS at him as he started sniping me (I was perched/exposed on a Crystal Spire "covering" all routes to our base)-- I had allocated most of my armor in front, so I simply "tanked" his ballistics (A/Cs I think) until he backed off and my team-mates finished him for good.

Then, since my position was revealed, I spent the rest of the match typing taunts to the other team: "come n cap, my lrms only have 1000m range!" :)

Anyway, I think we won because LRMS are so unpopular these days that I was the only LRMS-boat/build in the team, and all the rest were brawling-- IOW, I'd say PGI has truly and successfully reduced/shoehorned LRMS into a "support"-ONLY weapon (unless you are using them medium-range with line-of-sight TAG + Artemis.)...

TL;DR: So there should probably be no more than 1 (if any at all) LRMS-boat/build in your team-- assuming no ECM on the other side-- if your team-mix is to be viable.

Edited by Forestal, 27 March 2013 - 02:01 AM.

#8 Voidcrafter


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:35 AM

I can recall few games, that I was cored the first two mins from the match and I manage to kill 5/6(when I can chose, and there aren't any other top-priority targets I aim in the ASSAULTS) from the oposite team(Cataphract 3-D), just with flanking, a roll of chance and paying attention to the map/targets/etc.
All of those games were in 930~1300 dmg ratio, and all that with 2xUAC5s, 4xMed Lasers.

That's what I really love about this game - there are so many factors that could turn the tables, that seing the whole picture is almost impossible most of the time.
Impossible, but pushing you toward doing your best in that matter, and on success you're feeling so rewarded, that this feeling can keep you going on and on, even if there're lots of things in the game that just feel... broken

#9 Noobzorz


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 05:39 AM

It'll happen.

I went on an enormous loss streak last night where half my team would be ********. Since my long run statistics are pretty favorable, I expect that I have similar runs of good luck but just don't notice.

#10 Ganja Ninja


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Posted 27 March 2013 - 08:35 AM

I'll try to keep this short, but I'm wordy and this is my first post...

Drop ship sets us down at the new desert location (I'm not good with names - don't judge me!)

Shortly after all of my systems reported in nominal, I intercepted a transmission from an enemy pilot; he was broadcasting on a public channel. "Attention Ganja Ninja. You have been deemed a traitor and we have orders to bring you in immediately. Eject now." To which I reply: "Is that so? What's the bounty?"

"No bounty, just orders." Turns our there were 3+ members of House Kurita on the other team, while I had dropped in with a handful of Lone Wolves and Mercs (took me a second to figure that out as I haven't roll-played a pilot since BattleTech days on AOL... what was that, 20 years ago?!)

Anyway, what follows was one of the most epic battles I've been a part of - I wish there was a way to save replays...

I end up in the middle of the map with the rest of the team and things are a little too quiet. Suddenly my radar lights up with enemy targets: 2 to the west, 2 to the east, one above on the ridge to the north-east and a light mech perched high atop one of the jutting rock formations, spotting us for the enemy. We were surrounded and things did not look good at all. On the plus side, we could fire in any direction and pretty much be assured of a hit.

I don't recall the details of melee that followed - only that it was bloody. My Cat K2 fired off its duel AC 20's into foe after foe, chalking up a sizable kill tally. When the dust settled, the crumpled remains of 6 enemy mechs littered the battlefield while most of our lance were still standing. My critical damage indicator splashed the inside of my cockpit with crimson light every few seconds, but she was still holding together. Even still, I popped open a side panel and ripped a fuse from its binding, shutting down my early warning systems. Never tell me the odds...

I searched the dead for the officer who had called me out only to find that he was not among the dead. At this point, victory was almost assured, but I couldn't shake a nagging sense of dread, knowing full well that if my nemesis was still out there, or if he survived this day, my troubles were just beginning.

Almost immediately after this doubt registered in my mind, an ally was engaged by an enemy Jenner at Nav Gamma. I punched it to engage, but even with the throttle on full, I was unable to get there in time to save my ally, who was unable to keep up with the enemy light mech. He fell in a heap of charred steel just as I crested the hill to the south. That's when the Jenner turn its attention to me.

I knew I wouldn't be able to take much punishment at this point. If my heads-up display had still been working, it would have told me that I'd be able to take, at most, another 2 alpha strikes to the chest, but I knew even that was probably an optimistic estimate. I had to make the first shot count or I'd be going home in a body bag - or worse; escorted to high command to answer for my actions; a dishonor worse than death.

I took careful aim at the fast approaching light and fired at center mass. I missed. Horribly. There wasn't enough time to fire off a second salvo before he was upon me, and I knew my time was short. Yet just as I could start to feel the imminant kill shot from behind, he suddently stopped dead in his tracks.

The 750th point had ticked away in our favor and victory was ours. House Kurita would have to hunt me down another day.

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