Why are only a few models of mech allowed to carry ECM? What is that, exactly?
Increase the ECM size to six critical slots, make it heavier, whatever. But allow us to slap it into whatever damn mech we want to.
Of course, this will require massive balancing to keep LRMs and streaks effective. Changes to game mechanics. Etc etc.
But right now, the gameplay in pug matches comes down to this: Got a DDC, raven ECM version, or any other ECM mech on your team? Yay! You could win!
Don't have a DDC, Raven, or other ECM mech on your team? Say hello to the spectator seat, because you're eating missiles all day long.
It's highly unfair that non-grouped players are basically pidgeon-holed into choosing certain mechs.
And sure, HURRRRR LEARN TO USE COVER <--- canned response from those people who hide behind ridges with 2x LRM20s. But I don't enjoy hiding behind a rock for 90% of the game. That's why I made this account so I could test out a DDC atlas. And guess what? With the addition of my ECM, I don't die to missiles, and my team wins twice as often as when I was piloting my CATs.
Games should come down to skill and forethought, not what model of mech you're running. And sure, say that 'purchasing ECM IS forethought!' but it's really not. It's forcing you to choose a certain mech, and play a certain way to enjoy playing the game. And that's just broken.
Pre-made teams are obviously exempt from this problem, because they plan beforehand and get two people in ECM mechs! \o/
If only PUG matches could be planned.
Added in the poll. Basically, do you think that players are forced into choosing certain mechs to be competetive in non-group scenarios? Groups are not included in this poll because a group without a single ECM mech is ********.
The second question is: do you think that ALL mechs should have access to ECM with drawbacks? Drawbacks could be: crit space usage, weight, etc etc.
Edited by AnEnragedGamer, 22 March 2013 - 09:47 AM.