**********in game settings*********
Effects - VH
Object Detail - low
part -vh
postproc - vh
shading - med
shadows - off
texturing - high
environment - low
postmsaa – off
*******user config settings*******
;Distance used for per-pixel detail layers blending. Usage: r_DetailDistance (1-20) Default is 6.
r_DetailDistance = 4
;Toggles the glow effect.
;Usage: r_Glow [0/1]
;Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to enable glow effect.
r_Glow = 0
;Toggles the anamorphic flares effect.
;Usage: r_GlowAnamorphicFlares [0/1]
;Default is 0 (off). Set to 1 to enable.
r_GlowAnamorphicFlares = 0
;not sure if this works but try anyways
;r_PrintMemoryLeaks should be 1 to enable i think
r_PrintMemoryLeaks = 1
;Enables glow particles.
;Usage: r_UseParticlesGlow [0/1]
r_UseParticlesGlow = 0
;use numbers lower than 100 to increase view distance. This can have a severe impact on performance though.
e_ViewDistRatio = 100
e_ViewDistRatioDetail = 100
e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 100
;Set the amount of grain on the sky. The default is 0.6. Use 0 to turn it off.
r_HDRGrainAmount = 0
;Enable (1) or disable (0) motion blur. To extend the blure effect to all objects, use the 2 setting.
r_MotionBlur = 0
;Use 0 to turn off depth of field. Use 2 to enable HDR Depth of field. default 1
r_DepthOfField = 0
;This one can only be used on the crysis 2 shortcut: Use 0 for 32x sampling of depth of field.
;Use 1 to sample 64x to increase the optical offect. It can only be tweaked via the Crysis 2 shortcut.
r_DepthOfFieldBokehQuality = 0
;use 0 to turn off glow effects. It works only thorough the Crysis 2 shortcut
r_glow = 0
;+r_HDRRendering=0/1 -> Disables/Enables HDR Rendering
r_HDRRendering = 0
r_SSAO = 0
;(Ambient Occlusion awesomeness)
d3d9_TextureFilter = trilinear
;(Textures look sharper
;============================ STREAMING ===============================
;--- I have changed some of the values to better fit my system the original is listed the the description inside of ()
; *** r_TexturesStreaming=1 is HARD-CODED into the engine core after Sept/19 patch, so just a placeholder. ***
; --- Maximum number of tasks submitted to streaming system. Default is 256. ***(0) Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Maximum amount of texture data requested from streaming system in MB. Default is 2.0(MB) ***(0) Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of system memory pool for managed textures in MB. Default is 800 MB for PC. *** (0) Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Size of pool for textures streaming in MB. Default is 128(MB) for PC. ***(0) Will give NONE ! ***
; --- Minimal read portion in KB. Default is 32(KB)
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmaps. Default is 1 [count]
; --- Threshold used to postpone high resolution mipmap loads in KB. Default is 1024(KB)
; --- Postpone loading of high res mipmaps to improve resolution ballance of texture streaming. Default is 1 (on).
; --- Toggle for resident textures streaming support.
; --- Force only synchronous texture streaming. All textures will be streamed in the main thread. Default is 0, 1 for enabled.
; --- Default is 0.5. Max is 1.0 means textures will become resident sooner, Min 0.0 means textures will not become resident.
; --- Time to keep textures resident for before allowing them to be removed from memory, in seconds. ***(60) Will give 1 min. ***
; >>> Enabled CPU (1), GPU(2) and disable (0) textures stream pool defragmentation.