I made these quite a while back in the days when Mechwarrior 4 was in it's dying days. This was just prior to the MSN zone lobbies being shut down for good. 2005 or 2006 I believe.
The first one was just a little short I did that I figured would be fun with Clan vs IS mechs. Sorry for the poor quality, they are old, and I do not have the original footage, as the HDD it was on spun it's last and is now in that gleaming custom case in the sky. Also, I wish I could have gone back and recaptured some additional footage, as some of it is not ideal. None of these had the kind of team that did the Wandering Samurai stuff, which I have always thought was top notch. This was just me shooting a few friends in unscripted (for the most part...) battle.
This second one is probably the one I am most proud of, though there was another video that came close or possibly even surpassed it, though that was a music video. That vid was lost when the old HDD died. (Yeah, I know... I should have invested in decent backup sooner.) This one was when some friends and I toyed around with the idea of doing an actual MechWarrior machinima series, but sadly, we were never really able to get it off the ground at that point in the game. Again, sorry for the very low resolution. It is old.
Hope you all enjoy it.........

Started by Monolith, Aug 16 2012 01:08 AM
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