Kreisel, on 02 June 2012 - 03:52 AM, said:
Have you seen the crazy flight paths the missiles take in video? You'd be lucky to hit a few of them. Plus who is going to be aiming up at the air on incoming missiles when their are other mechs shooting at them to worry about and shoot back at.
i dont know if you have played any games yet or just dont know but a M.gun shoots 10 rounds /sec that do .04 damage a hit yes 0.04 damage not 1 damage that would do 0.4 a sec thats 4 damage for 10 secs now a small laser does 3 damage over .75 secs that adds up to 13 damage every 10 secs so unless you got no laser slots or dont want heat a m.gun is only for taking out internals (weapons, heatsinks and just plain anoy the person your shooting),
not dont get me wrong i love m.guns and want 6 on a mech but thats not going to happen