Google translate one (too) old RU topic.
Poll: 50 - good idea. 9 - bad idea.
Good time. My name is Ivan. Let me share with you some ideas that, in my opinion, would make MWO more interesting. First I would like to focus on three things that upset me personally now.
First, as a man, long familiar with games MW and MC I do not have enough damn little joy at the end of the battle as "trophies." Agree, it's nice to know that after the next zavarushku "those not rvanuvshie engines skins", though broken down, but still got to us. And the stock, which we incidentally captured, were found several guns Clan. Cool? Oh, yes.
Second: the game modes. Capture, slay-em-and plans to dominate. Not enough. Yes, it is a global conflict, Solaris, and just do the beta now - I know.
Third: Clans. As they appear in the universe? I do not know. But I heard a wild version of the introduction of bots in the game - to be piloted by the Clan Mechs in action late next year. Terrible would be, is not it? Piranha, of course, come up with a wonderful realties, and while I share my ideas. And you'll appreciate.
Allow me to present: battle mode "Capture a la MC" - with hangars, generator and radar stations, turrets, repair complexes, warehouses, barracks, and korovanami regime "dropships" bargain.
There is a single base. Or more - on large maps. Base belongs to the clan. (Why imeeno them understand later.) It is well fortified, it is already deployed on the export of construction such as hangars, generators and more. Clan guarded furs. On the other hand there is a group of inner areas that are trying to take this base or recapture (in the second case it would be nice to have the base was a bit scruffy). The winners get the content stores. And, for a moment, this is the only method in the game, you can get the technology and the Clan 'Mechs.
Appendix 1.
Databases can be several, if the map is big. To databases from / to databases can go Korowai loaded trucks with ammunition or generators. They can rob and not allow the protection base to rearm and repaired. For example, the base line of cars pulled up with a portable chinilkoy. Captured - and clans suck leg and attacking troops can withdraw, to repair and regroup.
Appendix 2.
Dropships, hangars and barracks. After the destruction of fur player can transfer to a new (different class). Attacker: only if intact pepelats where the attackers landed, and it still retains its own (previously selected) fur. Clans: only if intact barracks on the base, and the hangar is worth its (previously selected) fur. Moreover, if the fur on nastuchat torso and arms torn off while he is waiting for the owner of the mortuary, the owner resnuty go into battle on a half-dead fur without hands. Yes.
Selected as pilots for flying fur clans.
Oh, it's a great honor, you know. Popilotirovat MadCat not everyone will be able for the first time. Players, say, once a month is given the opportunity to start a game for the Clans. Initially available only random selection of fur. The player selects a class, but can not choose the model (for initial compensation might Clan Mechs). Comes into the fight on the side of defending the base. If the defending team wins, the player gets the chance to play one more game for the clans. No - wait for the next opportunity in a month. (Correction: last month - a lot. Suppose will try every day or two. If it works - to play again, not - rest day and let others steer.)
How to get a Clan Mech.
First option: zasalvazhit. Type after defense missions or capturing enough debris to solder one half dead parody Clan fur without, say, a few hardpointov.
Second option: zasalvazhit and finished with a file, ie, invest resources in fur after regular missions defense / capture. Voila - we have a real Clan fur.
Third: The player often and successfully rides on random light furs. Award - after another victory capture / defense he gets a brand new fur of the same class of the hangar base. A miracle! Trofeische! Driven by Solaris nogebat! But. Tear off a hand with heavy laser Clan - Blow on the mission of defense / attack, because you can get the miracle of technology so far only there.
Appendix 3.
Database Management. Player can enter the battle to acquire (!) Clan Mech with equipment installed for systems management framework. Take remote uprevlenie stationary turret or powered radar tower on its fur (because a piece base with generators already merged).
Map size 1.
Card may be varied in size. For example - large. Explain. In my opinion, a hastily assembled base clan can be deployed in several areas of the captured city. For example, in the northern part of the city are the generators (city). And in the western - our hangar with turelkami on the perimeter, which threw a quick power cord from the generator to the north of the city. Podedut soon (if podedut) mobile generators to the hangar, but now will have to keep the northern part of the city. It is already clear that the battle could be zatyazhennee and interesting even without the dresses of the pilots in new wineskins (or dropships work?). Card, respectively, need more to fight unfolded not only in the city (on the base), but the approaches to it.
Card size 2.
Vnutrisferovskie base captured Clan may be stricter, more reliable and popolomannee (clan as it has already captured a time). Base as a base. Strictly, cool, huge enclosed Zobor, and markups - built on a hill just a couple of runs (one of which - through any tunnel, for example). Around - the forest to the horizon, and in the woods - radar tower. Will be given all the movement forwards. It is well settled. Timer ticks, some generator burns, but the gate Clans knowingly rendered - new place did not have time.
As a result we varied gameplay and stirs interest in the game for the Clans. Gradually introduce the Clan technology. Radu player trophies and opportunity pokozyryat svom fur in other game modes.
So it goes. Written, it seems, all I wanted. Thank you for your attention.

Clans Plans. Suggestion.
Started by MechManiak, Apr 02 2013 11:46 AM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:46 AM
Posted 03 April 2013 - 12:48 AM
Not to really hate on Google's translator but that is rather horrible to try and read.
From what I could understand of it though I was rather curious about the Mech Commander-esk game mode with more than one capturable facility, it would make the larger-scaled matches far more interesting then just the mindless charge at each other. Though I guess that would happen regardless...
Perhaps adding some flavour of incentive? That may have been mentioned in the above though I'm not really too keen to attempt to piece together all of the above.
As for the part about Clan Mechs, at this stage I can fairly safely assume PGI have all their stuff sorted. They have been completely dismissive of any alterations to timeline or restructuing in order to help adapt their implementation which leads me to believe they know exactly how they are going to unveil them.
From what I could understand of it though I was rather curious about the Mech Commander-esk game mode with more than one capturable facility, it would make the larger-scaled matches far more interesting then just the mindless charge at each other. Though I guess that would happen regardless...
Perhaps adding some flavour of incentive? That may have been mentioned in the above though I'm not really too keen to attempt to piece together all of the above.
As for the part about Clan Mechs, at this stage I can fairly safely assume PGI have all their stuff sorted. They have been completely dismissive of any alterations to timeline or restructuing in order to help adapt their implementation which leads me to believe they know exactly how they are going to unveil them.
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