disclaimer: this is a joke
You've all fallen into PGI's trap!
You see, the entire reason for the slow progress after closed beta was not because they were working on the clans in the background or because they were lazy or any other excuse that was thrown around, no...
PGI was lowering your expectations on purpose!
They needed a chance to lull you into a complacent little bubble so you wouldn't notice that the clan invasion was delayed... and their dark motives behind doing so
in accordance to the Battletech canon, the clan invasion was announced to the people of the Inner Sphere March 3050, and so far, PGI has made this game follow a 1:1 timeline for the Battletech universe, announcing when designs where announced to the press, rebellions, armistice, law changes, and even the Outer-Worlds going silent.
What am I getting at you ask? Simple: they're very aware that it is integral to keep every aspect of a 1:1 timeline as accurate as possible in order to maintain the canon.
So now you're probably asking "Why delay the clan invasion if they've been so careful with the 1:1 time-frame?"
The answer is as shocking as it is simple...
PGI Plans on changing the Battletech Canon!
What do they plan to do now that they've changed the universe forever? What will this mean for the rest of history?! Anything could happen because the announcement was delayed by a month!
- The Can Invasion could last decades!
- Luthien could fall to the Jaguars!
- The Word of Blake might never form and the clans could take Terra!
- Nuclear warfare could be replaced with devastating anti-mater bombings!
- Mankind could go extinct!
- It could even be as bad as making MechAssault have a place in the lore!
That's right! PGI plans on dominating the galaxy by creating a legion of cyborg ninja monkeys that would carve a bloody swath through the stars! Clan Elementals would pale in comparison to their strength, their numbers would overwhelm both the Inner Sphere and the Clans alike!
You might think I'm crazy, but just you watch! in a few weeks from now, PGI will have bent the Battletech universe to their will, and THEY will be the rulers of the galaxy!
You have been warned...
Edited by Lawrence Elsa, 04 April 2013 - 12:29 AM.